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Monday, April 8, 2013

Margaret Thatcher Dead at 87.


History never dies. It is reborn every minute of every day.

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TAG: British Prime Minister Margaret Thatcher was, alongside US President Ronald Reagan an architect of conservative economic policies whose influence have lasted to the present day.

1978-1979- Britain's 'Winter of Discontent' over a plethora of strikes paves the way for Margaret Thatcher and the Conservatives. She blames the Labour government.

1979- Thatcher wins election as Prime Minister. Against previous Conservative policy, she adopts monetarism.

-Thatcher brings in major cuts in state spending despite the 1979 oil price shock and establishes high interest rates to battle her prime target, inflation.

-Thatcher succeeds in drastic reductions in spending and reduces the nation's debt.

-during the downturn of 1978-1979, one of Thatcher's main goals is to curtail the power of the trade Unions which she makes less autocratic, giving more power to the rank and file.

1980- having succeeded in most of her policies, Thatcher's attack on inflation fails, leaving Britain with the highest inflation in Western Europe.

 1980- Thatcher's ingenious Housing Act gives tenants in Council Housing the right to buy their flats or houses, resulting in half a million purchases- an an expansion in Conservative voters.

-Thatcher's policy of privatization strengthens the middle class by making them shareholders.

-she increased indirect taxation, which hit the poor the hardest; meanwhile, Thatcher decreased direct taxation, winning her the loyalty of the wealthy.

1981- the appearance of the Liberal Democratic party splits the opposition, promising greater power for Thatcher.

1982- In response to Argentina's claim on the Falkland's Islands, Thatcher sends in the British Navy, wins a naval battle, lands troops on the islands and reclaims them for Britain.

1983- Thatcher wins elections with a record majority. The intransigence of the Unions and the Labour party will keep her in power a good while yet.

-Thatcher is helped by a fall in world-wide commodities, a boon in which she had no direct part.

-1984-1985- Thatcher stands down an eleven month miner's strike, a major victory against Britain's over powerful unions.

-altogether, her foreign policy succeeds with backing from her ideological allies, Presidents Reagan and Bush. Though she encourages the Soviet Union's Gorbachev in his plans for democratization, she opposed unity for the two Germanies.

1986 -despite opposition to European integration, Thatcher  signs the Single Europe Act.

 -Thatcher's achievements, though considerable, are undermined by by a recession in 1989, worse that recession during which she took power.

1989- Thatcher's popularity falls sharply due to her hates Poll Tax.

-by 1990, Thatcher has isolated herself in her own cabinet with her strong opposition to the European union. Faced with rebellions inside her party and the increasing popularity of  a reforming Labout party, Thatcher resigns in 1990.

BELOW ARE TWO TIMELINES: The first timeline is for Europe as a whole; this includes attempts at European unity, for example by Rome, by the Holy Roman Empire or by Napoleon, as well as issues affecting European history as a whole, such as Islam, and finally the growth of European institutions like the European Union. The second timeline combines the former with dates for individual West European countries. (A separate entry for Eastern Europe is still to come.)



58-50- BC- Caesar's conquest of Gaul- France, Belgium, parts of Holland, Germany and Switzerland.
                 AUGUSTAN AGE. 

31 BC- foundation of Roman Empire by Octavian ; Gaul (France) and south and west Germany.
43-85- Britain-  conquest by Rome.
43-410- Britain  in Roman Empire.
96-180- Nerva, Trajan, Hadrian, Antonius Pius, Marcus Aurelius- the 'five good emperors."
101-106- Roman conquest of Dacia by Trajan.

                DECAY OF IMPERIUM
180-192- tyranny of Commodus- end of accord between Emperor and Senate.
193-235- Severan dyansty- Septimus, sons and grand nephews- breakdown of Augustan order.
235- 50 years of chaos follows murder of  Severus Alexander.
274- France- Aurelian recovers Gaul, reforms the currency


306-337- Europe- Christianization by the Emperor Constantine.
306- Britain- Constantine proclaimed emperor at York.
312- Italy- taken by Constantine.
324- Constantine defeats Lucinius and reunites the Empire.
325- Council of Nicea- Christian theology enforceable by the empire.
330- founding of Constantinople which becomes the imperial capital.
331- Constantine expropriates pagan temples

                         FALL OF ROME
400s- Germany, France- Germanic tribes migrate west.
406-407- France- Gaul overrun by Allans, Sueves and Vandals. 
410- Rome sacked by Visigoths.

410- Britain: Romans withdraw.
416-751- France- Merovingian dynasty.
476- Europe: -final fall of the Roman Empire.

                         THE DARK AGES.
527-565- Emperor Justinian.
533- Byzantine emperor Justinian tries to reconquer the West.
Italy- Lombards invade Italy. Avars dominate the Danube.
572- Spain conquered by Visigoths. 
590-  Gregory I- the Great (590-604) - greatly increased the secular power of the papacy, Gregory was also influential in matters of doctrine, liturgy, and missionary work.He was the second pope of German extraction.
596- Conversion of Britain's Anglo Saxons to Christianity.
602- Byzantine Emperor Maurice overthrown by army. Phocas made emperor. 
711- Spain ruled by Muslims.
717-741- Romen Emperor Leo I.
732- defeat of Muslims at Tours, France.
741-928- France- Carolingian dynasty.
768-814- France, Europe- Charlemagne.

800- coronation of Charlemagne as Emperor of Europe

Europe: Norse and Magyar Invasions.


                                                THE HOLY ROMAN EMPIRE.
962 - German King Otto I crowned Roman emperor after gaining control of northern Italy; beginning of what became known as Holy Roman Empire centred on Germany. 
962-1806- Europe: Holy Roman Empire.
1054- Europe: Shcism between east and west Christian Churches.
1056-1106- Europe: Holy Roman Empeor Henry IV.
1066- England- the Norman Conquest.
1073-1085- Europe: Pope Gregory (Hildebrand) VII
1075-1122- struggle over papal investiture of kings in Europe.

1095- Europe: First Crusade.
1100s- Europe: rise of trading towns.
1100-1300- Europe: universities, scholasticism.
1138-1268- German: Hohenstaufen dynasty. 
1145–1149- The Third Crusade
1189- Europe: Third Crusade.
1198-1216- Europe: Pope Innocent III.
Gentry, merchants and clergy: The early parliamentary commons. The clergy stopped attending the lower house in the early 14th century
1200s-Europe:  the rise of parliaments.
-failure of Europe's HRE to organize in Germany and Italy.

                            DECLINE OF HOLY ROMAN EMPIRE.

1250- Germany- death of Emperor Frederick II Hohenstaufen marks virtual end of central authority and acceleration of empire's collapse into independent princely territories.

1308- France- papacy moved from Rome to Avignon.
1325- Europe- beginning of sea trade between Italy and Europe via the Atlantic.
1348-1349- Europe: Black Death: bubonic plague enters from the Mediterranean and sweeps Europe.
1378-1417- Papacy- Schism between Avignon and Rome in the papacy results in 40 years of dual popes
1400 1600 - Italy: Italian Renaissance.

                              THE HAPSBURGS
1438 - Austria- Election of Albert I marks beginning of Habsburg dynasty based in Austria. 
1438-1918- Europe: Habsburg Emperors in: Austria, Spanish Netherlands and Spain.
1453- Europe- end of Eastern Roman Empire as Constantinople falls to the Ottomans.
1455 - Gutenberg Printing Press 
1492- European discovery of America by Colombus.

 1500ff- Europe: the Protestant Reformation.

1517- Germany: Luther's 95 theses posted in Wittenburg.
1519-1556- Europe: HRE Charles V. 
1519-1648- Europe: Habsburg Supremacy.
1521- Europe, France- beginning of Habsburg-Valois wars; Diet of Worms.
1521- Germany: Luther banned by Church.
1526-  Europe: Charles V at war with the Turks. 
1527- Europe, Italy- fall of Rome to an HRE army.
1528- Europe- Basel and Berne accept Reformation.
1529- Austria: siege of Vienna by Turks.
1530- Europe- Diet of Augsburg- German Protestant Princes declare faith in Augsberg Confession. 
1535- Europe, Austria- Charles V takes Milan as an imperial Hapsburg fief.
1547- Germany- battle of Muhlberg- Charles V defeats the Protestant Schmalkaldic League.   
1555 - Europe: Peace of Augsburg stating that each ruler could choose the religion of his region of the HRE
1556-1598- Europe, Spain: Abdication of Charles V in Spain and Empire; accession of Philip II.
1556-1564- Europe: HRE Ferdinand I.
1559- Spain, Holland- Philip II returns to Spain from Netherlands, setting up Habsburg government in Spain. Dutch high nobility turns against Hapsburg reps.

                          DUTCH REVOLT AGAINST HABBURGS. 
1566- Holland:  revolt against Habsburgs begins.
1566-1567- Holland- rebllions against the Church. Philip II sends Duke kf Alca to put down uprising. William of Orange flees Holland.
1576-1612- Europe: HRE Rudolf II 
1581- Holland- revolutionary Estates General deposes Philip II as Lord of the Netherlands.

1588- England, Spain: Spanish Armada defeated by England in English Channel.
1588-1609-  Holland, Spain- Dutch drive the Spanish out of northern Holland, fail to drive them out of the South.
1600-1800 - Mercantilism and the East India Companies bring cash to Europe
1600-1800- decline of Central Europe. 
1609- Spain- truce between Republic of the United Netherlands and Spain.
1612-1619- Europe- Matthias HRE 

                                 THE THIRTY YEARS' WAR.
1618 -1648 Europe- Germany: Thirty Years' War.
1621- Spain, Holland- end of Dutch-Spanish truce.
1625-1648: Holland: Dutch Republic joins the anti-Spanish coalition.  
1631- Germany: Capture and massacre of Magdeburg.
1632- Germany: Hapsburgs defeated at Lutzen; death of Gustavus Adophus.
1634- Germany- Assassination of Wallenstein.
1635- France enters Thirty Years' War against Spain; Treaty of Prague.

                                  PEACE OF WESTPHALIA.
1648- Peace of Westphalia ends the Thirty Years' War and initiates the Sovereign State System by which no state is to interfere in the internal matters, including the religious policy, of any other.  End of Habsburg Supremacy. Recognition of independent Dutch Republic.
1683- Austria: Turks threaten Vienna
1689-1697- Europe: War of the League of Augsburg between Louis XIV of France and the HRE, Spain, Holland and Savoy. France emerges as the dominant power.
                            WAR OF THE SPANISH SUCCESSION.
1702-1713- England, Europe; War of the Spanish Succession.
1713-1714- Europe: War of Spanish Succession ends with the Peace of Utrecht and Rastadt. Rise of the English; decline of the Dutch.  
1733 - 1763 -War of the Austrian Succession, French and Indian War and 7 Years War.  

                                   AGE OF ENLIGHTENMENT 
1740-1780- Austria: Maria Theresa.
1740-1786- Germany: Frederick II, the Great, of Prussia.
1740-1748- Europe: central years of the War of the Austrian Succession. 
1740-1789- Europe: Enlightened despotism.

1751 - 1772 - The Encyclopedia is published by Diderot.
1756- Europe: diplomatic revolution; the Habsburg-Bourbon alliuance.
1756-1763: Europe; France, Britain, Prussia: the Seven Years' War.
1763 - Europe: Peace of Paris ends 7 Years War
                     FRENCH REVOLUTION.
1789 - France: The French Revolution begins.
1792- France: August 10- overthrow of the monarchy Louis XVI. First Republic.
1792-1815- France, Europe: Revolutionary and Napoleonic Wars.
1792-1797- Europe: War of the First Coalition.
1796-1797- France, Austria, Italy: Napoleon's First Italian Campaign.
1797: Europe; France, Austria: Treaty of Campo Formio.
1798-1814- Europe: predominance of French Directory and Consulate and Empire of Napoleon.
1798-1801: Europe: War of the Second Coalition.
1799 - France: Napoleon Takes Power in coup d'etat of Brumaire.
1799-1804- France: the Consulate.

1802-1803- Europe: Peace of Amiens. 
1804-1814: Europe, France: Napoleonic Empire. 

1806- Europe, Prussia Prussians defeated at Jena in Germany- end of Holy Roman Empire in Europe.
1806- Germany: the Confederation of the Rhine.
1806-1812- Europe: Napoleon's Continental system.
1807- Europe: Napoleon defeats Russia in East Prussia; alliance with Czar Alexander II at Peace of Tilsit 
1808-1813- Spain, France- Napoleon attempts conquest of Spain.
1809 -France, Austria: Defeat of Austria by Napoleon.
1809-1811- France: Napoleon at the height of his power.
1812 - England: War of 1812 
1812 - Europe: Napoleon's disastrous invasion of Russia. 
1813-- Germany, Austria, Europe: German war of Liberation: Napoleon defeated at Leipzig.
1814-1815:  Europe: The Congress of Vienna restates Conservatism in Europe.
1814-1848: Europe: Metternich influential.
1814-1830 France: restoration of the Bourbons, Louis XVIII . 
1814-1815- The Congress of Vienna.
1815 - Europe, France: The Hundred Days and Napoleon's final defeat at Waterloo.

                        THE NINETEENTH CENTURY,
1818-1822- Metternich calls Congresses to prevent revolution anywhere in Europe and to prevent any one nation from becoming to powerful.
1818 - Europe: Congress of Aix-la-Chapelle -held in the autumn of 1818, was primarily a meeting of the four allied powers to decide the question of the withdrawal of the army of occupation from France and the nature of the modifications to be introduced in consequence into the relations of the four powers towards each other, and collectively towards France.
1819 -1850s England, France: Politics- The Isms 
1820- Europe: Congress of Troppau. a declaration of intention to take collective action against revolution.
1822- Europe: Congress of Verona- to prevent revolution in Greece.
1830- Europe- revolutionary ferment.
1830-1848 - France: Bourgeois Revolution- the July Monarchy.
1830- Belgium- Revolurtion.
1848 - France -February Revolution- established a bourgeois reoublic. In May-June, the Bourgeoisie repressed revolution by the workers. Second Republic.

 1848 - Germany -March Days and the Austrian and German Revolutions

1848- Austria- -attempted revolution- Emperor Ranz Joseph- 1848-1916. 
1848 - The Frankfurt Assembly.
1848 - Europe: Marx and Engels: The Communist Manifesto and Marxism
1848 - Communist Manifesto
1859-1870- Italy- Italian Unification
1866-1871- Germany: Unification.
1880s- Europe: rise of socialist parties.
1880-1914 - Europe: Rise and height of Imperialism 

1881- Europe: the triple alliance of France, Britain and Russia.
1885- Europe, Germany: Berlin conferecne on Africa
1889- Europe:  Second communist international.
1894- Europe, France: Franco-Russian alliance.
1900 ff- Europe: growth of democracy.
1904- Europe, France, England: Anglo French entente.
1905- Germany, France- Morocco crisis.

                        THE TRIPLE ENTENTE
1907- Europe: Triple entente.
1914 - Europe: Assassination of Francis Ferdinand leads to WWI

                       THE FIRST WORLD WAR.

1914-1918- Europe: World War I.
1918- Europe- Germany, Austria- Armistice at Compiegne ends WW I. Fall of German and Ausro-Hungarian Empires.
1919 - Europe- Treaty of Versailles and Wilson’s 14 Points 
1919-  Europe- Peace of Paris. 
1919- Euope-  further spread of democracy.

                        RISE OF FASCISM
1922-1943- Italy- Mussolini and Fascism.
1925 - Europe- Locarno Pactsold and new European nations seek to secure the post-war territorial settlement, and return normalizing relations with defeated Germany.

1929 - Europe: Great Depression begins.
1929-1930- Europe: Great Depression. Decline in democracy; rise of dictators.

                              THE NAZIS
1933 - Germany- Reichstag Fire and Rise of the Nazi Party

1933-1945- Germany- Adolph Hitler. Third Reich.
1933- Germany- quits League of Nations.
                         PRELUDE TO WORLD WAR TWO
1937-  Europe- Italy-Germany-Japan- axis powers.

1938 - England, Germany: Munich Crisis and appeasement.
1938: Austria, Germany: Anchluss: Germany annexes Austria.
1938-1939- Germany annexes Czecholslovakia.
1939- Germany- Nazi Soviet Pact.
1939-1945 - Nazi invasion of Poland triggers World War II. 
1939-1945- Britain, Germany at war.
1940-1944- Germany dominates Western Europe.
1940-1945- Europe- German domination- racist policy, liebensraum, extermination of the Jews.
1940- France falls to Germany.

1944-1945- Europe:  Allies liberate Western Europe. Russian offensive against Germany.

1945- Europe, Germany- Allied occupation of Germany. 
1945- Europe: deaths of Hitler and Mussolini.

                                   ARRANGEMENTS FOR PEACE

1945 -Europe: Potsdam Conference
1945 -Europe:  Formation of the United Nations 

                          STALIN TAKES EASTERN EUROPE.
1945-1946- Europe, Germany- Stalin occupies Eastern Germany; West splits from East.

1945-47- Europe: Cold War begins.

                                 THE MARSHALL PLAN
1945-1953- Europe:  US Marshall Plan.
1946: Europe: European Union of Federalists forms to campaign for a United States of Europe.
1946:  Europe: Sept- Churchill calls for a United States of Europe based around France and Germany to increase chance of peace.
1947- Europe: signing of various peace treaties between different nations.

                                    TWO GERMANIES
1948 - Germany: Berlin Blockade and airlift.
1948- Italy- elections: Communists.
1948: Europe: Organisation for European Economic Co-operation (OEEC) created to organise the Marshall Plan; some argue this is not unified enough.
1949- Germany: Federal Republic in West Germany; German Democratic Republic in East Germany.

                                FOUNDATION OF NATO.

1949- Europe: April- NATO founded.
1949- Europe: May- Council of Europe formed to discuss closer co-operation.
1950: Europe: May- Schuman Declaration (named after the French Foreign Minister) proposes French and German coal and steel communities.

1951: Europe: April- European Coal and Steel Community Treaty signed by Germany, France, Ireland, Luxembourg, Belgium and Netherlands.
1952- Germany: end of Allied occupation of West Germany.
1952: Europe: May- European Defence Community (EDC) Treaty.
1953 -Europe: The Death of Stalin and Hardening of the Cold War.

                                   THE COLD WAR.
1953- Europe: economic recovery in Western Europe.
1954- Europe: Wetsern European Union; West German rearmament.
 1953: Europe: East Berlin Uprising.

1954: Europe: August- France rejects the EDC treaty.

1957 Europe: 25 March: Treaties of Rome signed: creates Common Market / European Economic Community (EEC) and European Atomic Energy Community.
1958: Europe: Jan 1- Treaties of Rome come into effect
1958-1969- France: DeGaulle President.
1959- Europe, Britain: British back free trade association.
1960- France becomes a nuclear power.

                             THE BERLIN WALL.

1961- Europe, Germany: building of Berlin Wall.
1961: Europe: Britain tries to join the EEC but is rejected.
1963 - Nuclear Arms Treaty.
1963- Europe- France, Germany- January- Franco-German Treaty of Friendship; they agree to work together on many policy issues.

1963- Europe, France, Britain: France vetoes British entry to Common Market.
1966: Europe: January- Luxembourg Compromise gives majority vote on some issues, but leaves national veto on key areas.
 1967: Europe: British application again rejected.
1968: Europe: July- Full customs union created in the EEC, ahead of schedule.

                                     HAGUE SUMMIT
1969: Europe: December- Hague summit to “relaunch” the Community, attended by heads of state.
1970: Europe: Werner Report argues economic and monetary union possible by 1980.
1970: Europe: April- Agreement for EEC to raise own funds through levies and customs duties.
1972- Europe: October-: Paris Summit agrees plans for future, including economic and monetary union and ERDF fund to support depressed regions.

                               EXPANSION OF THE EEC.
1973 Europe: Denmark, Ireland and UK join the EEC
1973- Germany joins UN.
1974- Europe: Economic recession.
1975 Europe: March: First meeting of the European Council, where heads of state gather to discuss events.

                                 THE RED BRIGADES.
1978 - Italy- Former Prime Minister Aldo Moro kidnapped and murdered by fanatical left-wing group, the Red Brigades. Abortion legalised.
1979 Europe: Greece admitted.The first European Parliament elections take place and the Single European Currency Unit was introduced (later to become the Euro)
1979: Europe: First direct elections to European Parliament.
1979- Europe: March: Agreement to create the European Monetary System.
1981- Europe, Greece- Greece joins EEC
1982- Spain joins NATO.
1984- Europe: February: Draft Treaty on European Union produced.
1986: Europe, Portugal, Spain- Portugal and Spain join EEC
1987- Europe: 1 July: Single European Act comes into effect.

                      FALL OF THE BERLIN WALL.

1989 - Europe; Germany: The Berlin Wall falls and Communism ends.
1990- Germany- West Germany leads the new, unified Germany.
1991- German capital moved from Bonn to Berlin.
1991- Europe: the EEC is renamed the European Union (EU)
1992- Germany- former E.German leader Eric Honecker brought to Berlin on political charges.

                          THE MAASTRICHT TREATY.

1992- Europe: February: Maastricht Treaty, Treaty on European Union signed.
1992- Denmark rejects Maastricht Treaty on greater European integration.
1992- Belgium- Ratifies Maastricht.
1993- -Denmark approves Maastricht after being granted opting out clauses.

                               SINGLE EUROPEAN MARKET.
1993: Europe: Single Market begins.
1993- Germany approves Maastricht Treaty.
1993- Europe: 1 November: Maastricht Treaty comes into effect.1995- Austria, Finland and Sweden join the EU
1994- Germany- last of Russian and Allied troops leave Berlin.                  
1995- Europe, Austria- joins EU- but coalition government collapses over the budget and over criteria for joining the EU monetary Union.
1995: Europe: Spain joins EEC
1997- Europe: October: Treaty of Amsterdam makes minor changes.
1999- Europe: 1 January: Euro introduced in eleven counties.
1999- England decides not to adopt the Euro.
1999 Europe: 1 May: Treaty of Amsterdam comes into effect.

1999- Austria- October - Joerg Haider's far right Freedom Party wins 27% of vote in national elections, equal second with centre right People's Party though Social Democrats remain largest party.
2000- Austria- coaltion of People's Party and Social Democrats breaks down; People's party approaches Freedom Party Freedom Party becomes part of the government, sparking international and national protest. EU imposes diplomatic sanctions when People's Party head Wolfgang Schuessel becomes chancellor with Susanne Riess-Passer of the Freedom Party as his deputy. Haider, seen as too extreme- hands over party leadership to Riess-Passer.
September- EU ends diplmatic isolation of Austria, saying it achieves nothing.
2000- Denmark- rejects Euro.
2001-- Germany- march- European Court of Human Rights decides three former East German Communist leaders should serve jail time for allowing shooting of attempted escapees into W Germany.

                                          TREATY OF NICE
2001: Europe: Treaty of Nice signed; extends majority voting.
2001- Italy- foreign minister Renato Ruggiero resigns because of cabinet scepticism over EU.
2001- Holland- Euro replaces gilder.
2002: Europe; Spain hosts EU summit amid widespread strikes against rediction of unemployment benefits.
2002- Europe: the Euro is introduced in 12 of the EU member states including France.
2003- Europe: 1 February: Treaty of Nice comes into effect.

                       FURTHER EXPANSION OF EU.
2004- Europe: On May 1st 10 new member states join the EU. On June 10th, European Parliament elections take place in the UK -Draft EU constitution signed. 1 May: Cyprus, Estonia, Hungary, Latvia, Lithuania, Malta, Poland, Slovak Republic, Czech Republic, Slovenia join EU
May- parliament ratifies EU constitution.

                    GERMANY: STASI FILES OPENED.
2005- Germany- restricted access allowed to Helmut Khol's Stasi files. -May- ratifies EU constitution.
June- Dutch reject EU consitution.
2005- Italy- ratifies EU constitution.
2005- Belgium: approves draft of EU constitution.
2005- France- May- Referendum opposess plan for EU constitution prompting resignation of Prime Minister Raffarin.

2005 September -Switzerland-  Referendum vote goes in favour of opening job market to workers from the 10 newest European Union countries.

                         DANISH CARTOONS OF MOHAMMED.
2005- Denmark- Cartoons on the Prophet Mohammed outrage Muslims and spark protest.
2005: Europe: Draft constitution rejected by voters in France and the Netherlands.
2006:  Denmark- January - February - Cartoon depictions of the Muslim prophet Muhammad, published by a Danish newspaper in 2005, spark belated mass protests among Muslims in a number of countries as well as unofficial boycotts of Danish goods.
2006- Austria- Vienna court sentences author David Irving to two years for Holocaust denial.

                        MAASTRICHT TREATY SIGNED.
2007- Europe: Treaty of Maastricht signed- opening the way to monetary union.
2007- Europe: Bulgaria and Romania set to join the EU
2007:  Europe: Lisbon Treaty signed, this modified the constitution until it was deemed a sufficient compromise; Bulgaria and Romania join.
2007- Spain: several found guilty and sentenced for 2004 Madrid train bombings.

                                          2008 MARKET CRASH.
2008- Europe:  stock market crash worldwide, triggered by excesses of US sub-prime mortgage lenders and collapse Of najor US banks.

2008: Europe: October - European governments pledge up to 1.8 trillion euros as part of co-ordinated plans to shore up their financial sectors, hit hard by the global financial crisis. France says it will inject 10.5bn euros into the country's six largest banks.
Germany: October- government passes $68 billion bailout plan for major German bank. Germany also shares in $1.8 trillion EU plan to prop up European economy.
November- Germany falls into recession.
2008- England- Otober- The British economy shrinks for the first time in 16 years and the pound has its biggest one-day drop against the dollar since 1971 on Oct 24

December- The London stock market loses 31% in 2008, the worst loss in 24 years
2008- Belgium-September- Together with The Netherlands and Luxembourg, Belgium agrees to inject funds into the ailing financial group, Fortis. Dutch operation later breaks away, weakening the Fortis group.Government announces agreement with France and Luxembourg to rescue embattled Dexia bank, the world's biggest lender to local governments.-October - Amid a worsening global financial crisis, Fortis financial group holdings in Belgium and Luxembourg is rescued by French bank BNP Paribas, which buys 75 percent of the group's shares. The deal creates one of the continent's biggest savings banks. 
-December- Prime Minister Yves Leterme resigns over scandal about Fortis recue.
 2009 January - Swiss economy officially goes into recession.

                           FRANCE CONSIDERS LIMITS TO USE OF BURKA
2009- France: Government plans commission on limits to use of the burka in France after Sarkozy said it undermines dignity of citizens.
2009- Sept.- England- The British stock market posts the best three months in 25 years
2009: Europe: October- Irish voters accept Lisbon Treaty.
-Lisbon Treaty comes into effect, amending Treaty of Maaastrict.

                                   SPANISH UNEMPLOYMENT SOARS
2009: Spain: unemployment soars to 19% by November.
2009- Germany- February- govrnment passes $68 billion natial financial rescue plan.
2010- In January, a European Union report condemns sever irregularities in Greek accounting procedures. Greece's budget deficit in 2009 is revised upwards to 12.7%, from 3.7%, and more than four times the maximum allowed by EU rules.
-The European Central Bank dismisses speculation that Greece will have to leave the EU.
-European Union: In February, Greece unveils a series of austerity measures aimed at curbing the deficit.
-On 11 February, the EU promises to act over Greek debts and tells Greece to make further spending cuts. The austerity plans spark strikes and riots in the streets.
-Concern starts to build about all the heavily indebted countries in Europe - Portugal, Ireland, Greece and Spain
-The eurozone and IMF agree a safety net of 22bn euros to help Greece - but no loans.

                            SPANISH PROTEST AUSTERITY

2010 February - Spain- Thousands of workers demonstrate against government spending cuts and plans to raise the retirement age by two years to 67 - the first mass labour protests since the governing Socialist Workers' Party came to power in 2004. 
-In April, following worsening financial markets and more protests, eurozone countries agree to provide up to 30bn euros in emergency loans.
-Finally, on 2 May, the eurozone members and the IMF agree a 110bn-euro bailout package to rescue Greece.
-The euro continues to fall and other EU member state debt starts to come under scrutiny, starting with the Republic of Ireland.                

Greece- In March, Mr Papandreou continues to insist that no bailout is needed. The euro continues to fall against the dollar and the pound.
-Greek borrowing costs reach yet further record highs. The EU announces that the Greek deficit is even worse than thought.
Germany- May- public angered by $22 billion bailout plan for Greece.
-Merkel defeated in regional elections, losing majority in upper house.
2010 May - Germany's parliament votes to approve a 22.4bn euro German contribution to bail out debt-ridden Greece, prompting widespread public anger.
European Union- September - EU Justice Commissioner Viviane Reding urges the European Commission to take legal action against France over its deportations of the Roma, calling it a "disgrace". The threat of legal action is lifted after France pledges to implement a 2004 EU directive on freedom of movement.

                     A BAILOUT FOR IRELAND.
2010-  November, the EU and IMF agree to a bailout pakage for the Irish Republic totalling 85bn euros. The Irish Republic soon passes the toughest budget in the country's history. 

                         VEIL BAN IN FRANCE
2011 France- April - Face veil ban comes into force.
2011 July - Italy- IMF calls on Italy to do more to reduce its public debt - one of the largest in the Eurozone - and push through spending cuts.

2011 July - Germany- Chancellor Merkel defends her decision to back second huge bail-out for Greece, insisting that it is Germany's historic duty to protect the euro.
2011 September - Italy- Parliament gives final approval to a 54bn euro (£47bn; $74bn) austerity package. The package contains a pledge to balance the budget by 2013.
2011 September - France Credit rating agency Moody's downgrades the two biggest French banks, Credit Agricole and Societe Generale, because of concerns over their exposure to Greek debt. Credit Agricole later announces a cut of 2,350 jobs worldwide.
2011 December - Spain- New conservative government headed by Mariano Rajoy takes up office. Announces new round of austerity measures to slash public spending by 16.5bn euros ($21.5bn) and nearly halve the public deficit from about 8% of GDP in 2012.
2011- December- England-26 countries of the European Union, led by Germany, agree on a treaty to enforce fiscal and financial discipline on countries that adopt the euro, leaving Britain out.
2011 December - Italy-Mr Monti's package of austerity measures amounting to 33bn euros (£27bn; $43bn) of spending cuts gains parliamentary approval. The package also includes measures to raise taxes and tackle tax evasion.

                                       FRANCE LOSES TOP CREDIT RATING.
2012 January - France loses its top AAA credit rating from Standard & Poor's along with Spain and Italy. 
-Italy- US ratings agency Fitch downgrades Italy's credit rating by two notches to A-.

2012 January - Spain- Unemployment total passes the 5 million mark. This represents a jobless rate of 22.8% - the highest in the eurozone. Almost half of all 16-24 year-olds are out of work. 
2012 March - France French Islamist Mohamed Merah shoots dead seven people, including three Jewish schoolchildren, in Toulouse. He is shot dead in a police siege of his flat. France bans militant Islamist preachers from entering the country, beginning with the Qatari-based Egyptian Yusuf al-Qaradawi.
2012 April - Spain slips back into recession as economy contracts by 0.3% in the first quarter of 2012.

(with thanks to BBC Timelines- -some EU timeline items courtesy of 'Heads up' and ''; some dates 1400-1991 courtesy of Preshtigo.)

1230 BC- Destruction of Troy.
1130- destruction of Mycenae.
1100- Dorian invasion of Greece.
1000-600 BC- formal Archaic age in Greece.
600 BC- 300 BC- age of Greek City States.

                 CLASSICAL AGE
490 BC- Greeks defeat Persians at Marathon.
479 BC- Greeks defeat Persians at Plataea and Mycale.
478 BC- Athens founds the Delian league against Persia.
449 BC- Athens makes peace with Persia.
431-404 BC- Peloponnesian War between Athens and Sparta.
404-371- BC Spatan hegemony in Greece.
404 BC- Greek cities of Asia Minor given back to Persia.
400 BC- 1 BC- Hellenistic age.
399 BC- trial and execution of Socrates.
378 BC- Second Athenian League.
371 BC- Battle of Leucrta- decisive defeat of Sparta by Thebes.
371-362 BC- Theban hegemony in Greece.

359 BC- Philip II becomes King of Macedon.
338 BC- Philip II wins battle of Chaironea and subjugates Greece.
336 BC- Phlip II assassinated, succeeded by Alexander.

334 BC- Alexander the Great of Macedon invades Levant and Persia.
323 BC- death of Alexander at Babylon.

                 REPUBLICAN ROME
387 BC- Rome destroyed by the Celts.
338 BC- Rome rules Latium.
268 BC- Italy- Rome controls Italy south of the Po Valley.
                           Punic Wars.
264-241 BC- The First Punic War.
238 BC- Sardinia and Corsica taken from Carthage.
218-202 BC- Second Punic War
218-216 BC- Hanibal's victories over Rome.
200-197 BC- Rome defeats Philip V of Macedon.
195-179, 154-133- Spain- Rome subjugates Spain.
184 BC- Censrship of Cato.
181 BC- Italy- completion of Roman conquest of Italy south of the Alps.
149-146 BC- Rome conquers Greece.
135 BC- slave revolts begin in Sicily.
133 BC- murder of Tiberius Gracchus.
129 BC- conquest of Aegean.
121 BC- conquest of Narbonnese Gaul.
-murder of Gaius Gracchus.
114- BC- enlistment of landless men for the army by Marius.
91-19 BC- revolt of the Italian allies.
87-13 BC- Sulla subjugates Greece and Asia, defeats Mithridates VI of Pontus.
81-79 BC- dictatorship of Sulla.
                       Pompey and Caesar.
67 BC- Pompey suppresses piracy.
66-62 BC- Pompey defeats Mithridates VI and Tigranes of Armenia, annexes much of Asia minor and Syria.

58-50- BC- Caesar's conquest of Gaul- France, Belgium, parts of Holland, Germany and Switzerland.
48 BC- caesar defeats Pompey at Pharsalus.
48-47 BC- Caesar and Cleopatra in Egypt.
44 BC- Caesar's assassination by Senators.
43 BC- murder of Cicero.
                      Octavian and Marc Antony.
42 BC- Ceasar's assassins Crassus and Brutus defeated at Philippi by Octavian and Marc Antony.
37 BC- Antony marries Cleopatra.
31 BC- Octavian defeats Antony and Cleopatra at Actium, becomes supreme.

                AUGUSTAN AGE.
31 BC- foundation of Roman Empire by Octavian ; Gaul (France) and south and west Germany.

31-68 AD- the Julio-Claudian dynasty.
28- Octavian purges the Senate. Octavian renamed Augustus.
43-85- Britain-  conquest by Rome.
43-410- Britain  in Roman Empire.
54- Rome burns; Nero persecuted Christians.
69-96- Flavian dynasty- Vespasian, Titus and Domitian.
96-180- Nerva, Trajan, Hadrian, Antonius Pius, Marcus Aurelius- the 'five good emperors."
79- Pompei destroyed by eruption of Vesuvius.
101-106- Roman conquest of Dacia by Trajan.

               DECAY OF IMPERIUM
180-192- tyranny of Commodus- end of accord between Emperor and Senate.
193-235- Severan dyansty- Septimus, sons and grand nephews- breakdown of Augustan order.
235- 50 years of chaos follows murder of  Severus Alexander.

249- Decius persecutes Christians.
235- 50 years of chaos follows murder of Severus Alexander
251- Decius defeated and executed by Goths.
257- Valerian persecutes Christians.
274- France- Aurelian recovers Gaul, reforms the currency.
285- defeat of Carinus- Diocletian assumes power.
303- Diocletian persecutes the Christians.


306-337- Europe- Christianization by the Emperor Constantine.
306- Britain- Constantine proclaimed emperor at York.
312- Italy- taken by Constantine.
324- Constantine defeats Lucinius and reunites the Empire.
325- Council of Nicea- Christian theology enforceable by the empire.
330- founding of Constantinople which becomes the imperial capital.
331- Constantine exproproates pagan temples.
391- pagan worship prohinited by Theodosius,
400s- Germany, France- Germanic tribes migrate west.
406-407- France- Gaul overrun by Allans, Sueves and Vandals. 
410- Rome sacked by Visigoths.

410- Britain: Romans withdraw.
416-751- France- Merovingian dynasty.
476- Europe: -final fall of the Roman Empire.

                  THE DARK AGES
496- France: conversion of the Franks.
527-565- Emperor Justinian.
533- Byzantine emperor Justinian tries to reconquer the West.
568- founding of Venice in NE Italy.

Italy- Lombards invade Italy. Avars dominate the Danube.
572- Spain conquered by Visigoths.
596- Conversion of Britain's Anglo Saxons to Christianity.
602- Emperor Maurice overthrown by army. Phocas made emperor. 
711- Spain ruled by Muslims.
717-741- Romen Emperor Leo I.
732- defeat of Muslims at Tours, France.
741-928- France- Carolingian dynasty.
768-814- France, Europe- Charlemagne.

800- coronation of Charlemagne as Emperor of Europe

Europe: Norse and Magyar Invasions.
813-840- France- Charles II, the Fat.
871-899- England: Alfred the Great of Britain.
888-1328- France- Capetian dynasty.
900s- conversion of Swedes, Poles,. Hungarians to Rome;  Russians to Constantinople.

919-1024- Germany- Saxon dynasty.
919-936- Germany- Henry I.
936-972- Germany- Otto I.

                   MIDDLE AGES

962 - German King Otto I crowned Roman emperor after gaining control of northern Italy; beginning of what became known as Holy Roman Empire centred on Germany. 
962-1806- Europe: Holy Roman Empire.
983-1002- Germany- Otto III. 
1024-1137- Germany- Salian dynasty. 
1054- Europe: Shcism between east and west Christian Churches.
1056-1106- Europe: Holy Roman Empeor Henry IV.
1066- England- the Norman Conquest.
1073-1085- Europe: Pope Gregory (Hildebrand) VII
1075-1122- struggle over papal investiture of kings in Europe.

                   RISE OF TOWNS; CRUSADES.
1095- Europe: First Crusade.
1100s- Europe: rise of trading towns.
-Germany: Teutonic knights of Prussia.
1100-1300- Europe: universities, scholasticism.
-development of monarchy in England.
1138-1268- German: Hohenstaufen dynasty.
1154ff- England- Angevine House.
1189- Europe: Third Crusade.
1198-1216- Europe: Pope Innocent III.
1208 -France: Crusade against the Albigensian Heresy in Provence; Proevence annexed to France.
1212-1250- Germany- HRE- Frederick II.
1215-  beginning of representative government; King John of England forced by barons to sign the Magna Carta.
1215- Fourth Lateran Council.

                   RISE OF PARLIAMENTS
Gentry, merchants and clergy: The early parliamentary commons. The clergy stopped attending the lower house in the early 14th century
1200s-Europe:  the rise of parliaments.
-conversion of East Baltic peoples to Rome.
-failure of Europe's HRE to organize in Germany and Italy.
1236- Tartars in Russia.
1250- Germany- death of Emperor Frederick II Hohenstaufen marks virtual end of central authority and acceleration of empire's collapse into independent princely territories.
1266ff- France, Italy- Anjou dynasty in Naples-Sicily.
1268- Germany- death of Conradin.
1285-1314- France- Philip IV, the fair. 
1291 - Origin of the Swiss confederation when three cantons form an alliance to resist outside control.
1294-1303- Pope Boniface VIII
1295- England. Model Parliament.
1308- France- papcy moved from Rome to Avignon.
1313-1354- Italy- Cola, son of Rienci.
1314-1347- Germany- Louis of Bavaria, Wittelsbach.
1321- Italy- death of Dante.
1325- Europe- beginning of sea trade between Italy and Europe via the Atlantic.
1328- France- Valis Succeed Capetians.


1337-1453- England, France: Hundred Years War as England's kings attempt to claim territories in France.
1348-1349- Europe: Black Death: bubonic plague enters from the Mediterranean and sweeps Europe.
1356- the Golden Bull.
1378-1417- Papacy- Schism between Avignon and Rome in the papacy results in 40 years of dual popes.
1381- England- Watt Tyler's rebellion.
1385-1402- Italy- Milan- Duke Gian Galeazzo Visconti.

1394- Italy- death of English condottiere, John Hawkwood.
1400 1600 - Italy: Italian Renaissance 
1404-1414- Italy: King of Naples, Ladislaz Durazzo.
1412-1431- France: Joan of Arc.
1414-1415- Council of Constance.
1417-1468- Italy Sigismondo Malatesta, patron of the arts and tyrant of Rimini.
1420-1431- Hussite Wars in Czech region of Bohemia and Central Europe.
1431- France: Joan of Arc burned at the stake.

1434- Italy- Florence- Cosimo Medici takes power.
1438 - Austria- Election of Albert I marks beginning of Habsburg dynasty based in Austria. 
1438-1918- Europe: Habsburg Emperors in: Austria, Spanish Netherlands and Spain.
1450- Italy- Francesco Sforza made Duke of Milan.
1452 - 1519 - Leonardo da Vinci of Italy lives in Florence and France
1453- Europe- end of Eastern Roman Empire as Constantinople falls to the Ottomans.
1455 - Gutenberg Printing Press
1455-1485- England's dyanstic War of the Roses between houses of Tudor and Lancaster.
1457- the oldest surviving, dated book in print.
1461-1489- France- Louis XI.
1469- Italy- Florence- Lorenzo the Magnificent Medici takes power.
1479-1516-  Spain- Ferdinand and Isabella.
1479- Italy, France- France invades Italy; fall of the Medici. Rise of Republican Florence. 
1485- 1603- England's Tudor Monarchs replace English Angevins at battle of Bosworth.
1485-1509- England's Henry VII builds the British state.
Portugal: Portuguese Empire.
1492- European discovery of America by Colombus.
1494- invasion of Italy by France.
 1500ff- Europe: the Protestant Reformation.
1502- Italy, Spain. Spain conquers Naples.
1509-1547- England: Henry VIII succeeds upon death of henry VII.
1513- Italy- Macchiavelli, 'The Prince'.
1515-1547- France: Francis I.
1516- Italy: Concordat of Bologna.


1517- Germany: Luther's 95 theses posted in Wittenburg.
1519-1556- Europe: HRE Charles V. 
1519-1648- Europe: Habsburg Supremacy.
1521- Europe, France- beginning of Habsburg-Valois wars; Diet of Worms.
1521- Germany: Luther banned by Church.
1524-1525- Germany- peasant revolt.
1525- Italy, France- battle of Pavia- Francis I taken prisoner.
1525- Italy- sack of Rome.
1526-  Europe: Charles V at war with the Turks. 
1527- Europe, Italy- fall of Rome to an HRE army.
1528- Europe- Basel and Berne accept Reformation. 
1529- Austria: siege of Vienna by Turks. 
1529- England- fall of cardinal Wolsey.
1529-1536- England- Reformation Parliament.
1530- Italy- fall of the Florentine Republic, return of the Medici. 
1530 - Spanish Conquistadors in South America
1530- Europe- Diet of Augsburg- German Protestant Princes declare faith in Augsberg Confession. 
1531- Belgium: first stock exchange at Antwerp.

1534- England: Henry VIII's Act of Supremacy- making the throne, not the Pope, head of the Church. 
1535- Europe, Austria- Charles V takes Milan as an imperial Hapsburg fief.
1536-1539- England. Henry VIII's dissolution of monasteries
1536- Europe: France, Turkey in alliance against HRE Charles V.
1538- Switzerland- Generva accepts Reformation.
1540- England- Execution of Thomas Cromwell.
1540- founding of Jesuits. Society of Jesus approved by Pope.
1541-1554- Switzerland: Calvin at Geneva
1542- the Roman Inquisition. 
1543 - On the Revolutions of the Heavenly Orbs by Copernicus published after his death.
1545-1563- Council of Trent.
1546- Germany- death of Martin Luther.
1546-1547- Europe- Schmalkaldic War. 
1547- Germany- battle of Muhlberg- Charles V defeats the Protestant Schmalkaldic League.
1547-1553- England: Edward VI upon death of Henry VIII.
1547-1559- France: Henry II
1553-1558- England: Mary I upon death of Edward VI.
1555 - Europe: Peace of Augsburg stating that each ruler could choose the religion of his region of the HRE 

                       GOLDEN AGE OF SPAIN.
1556-1598- Europe, Spain: Abdication of Charles V in Spain and Empire; accession of Philip II.
1556-1564- Europe: HRE Ferdinand I.
1557- Spain- Crown declares bankruptcy.
1558-1603- England: Elizabeth I upon death of Mary I.
1559- Scotland- Knox and the Reformation.
1559- France, Europe- Peace of Catrau-Cambresis- end of Hapsburg-Valois Wars. Death of Henry II.
1559-1589- France: period of weak monarchy.
1559- Spain, Holland- Philip II returns to Spain from Netherlands, setting up Habsburg government in Spain. Dutch high nobility turns against Hapsburg reps.

1561 - 1650 - Bacon and Descartes describe inductive and deductive thinking (respectively)
1561- Framce- Colloquium of Poissy.
1562-1598- France: religious wars- between government and Protestants.
1563- England- 39 articles, statute of apprentices.
1564-1576: Europe: Maximilian II. 

                            DUTCH REVOLT AGAINST HABBURGS. 
1566- Holland:  revolt against Habsburgs begins.
1566-1567- Holland- rebllions against the Church. Philip II sends Duke kf Alca to put down uprising. William of Orange flees Holland.
1569- England: Norfolk's rebellion.
1570- England- Elizabeth I excommunicated by Pius V. 
1571-  Italy- Turks defeated by Venice at Lepanto.

1572- France: St. Bartholomew Massacre of Protestants ordered by Catherine de Medici.
1572- Holland- William of Orange ouccpies provinces of Zeeland and Holland.
1574-1589- France: Henry III.
1576- Holland- revolt spreads.
1574- France- death of Charles IX. Assembly of Millau- stronger government for French Protestants. 
1576-1612- Europe: Rudolf II
1576- France- Estates General of Blois fails to get relgious compromise.
1577- England and Holland in alliance.
1578- France, Holland-  Duke of Anjou invades Low Countries.
1579- Holland- Walloon nobility defects from revolt by Treaty of Arras. Alexander of Parma commands Spanish troops. 
1579- Spain- disgrace and arrest of first minister Antonio Perez.
1581- Holland- revolutionary Estates General deposes Philip II as Lord of the Netherlands.
1584- Spain intervenes in French civil wars.
1584- Holland- Assassination of William of Orange.
1585- Holland- Parma takes Antwerp- rebels withdraw behind rivers.
1587- France- Protestants win their first battle at Coutras.
1587- England, Spain- Francis Drake destroys Spanish Fleet at Cadiz.
1587- England- Execution of Mary Queen of Scots. 

1588- England, Spain: Spanish Armada defeated by England in English Channel.
1588-1609-  Holland, Spain- Dutch drive the Spanish out of northern Holland, fail to drive them out of the South.
1588- France- Catholic Guises seize Paris in revolt against Henry III.        
1589-1792- France: Bourbon dynasty.
1589- France- Henry III orders assassination of the Guises before he himself is assassinated.

1589-1610- France: Henry IV.
1590- France- Henry IV wins battle of Ivry against Catholic League.
1594- France- Henry of Navarre crowned Henry IV after taking Paris.
1595- France- Henry IV absolved of heresy by Clement VIII
1597- France- siege of Amiens.
1598- France- end of war between France and Spain with Treaty of Vervins.
1598- France: Edict of Nantes.
1598- Spain- Death of Philip II; accession of son, Philip III.
1600-1800 - Mercantilism and the East India Companies bring cash to Europe
1600-1800- decline of Central Europe.
1603- England: end of Tudors.
1603-1714- England: The Stuarts.
1603-1625- England: James I upon death of Elizabeth; union of Scottish and English crowns.
1607-1612- English, French, Spanish and Dutch found colonies in new world.
1608- Europe: Protestant Union.
1609- Europe:  Catholic League.
1609- Spain- expulsion of the Mariscos.
1609- Spain- truce between Republic of the United Netherlands and Spain.
1609 - Galileo Constructs a Telescope.
1610- France: Assassination of Henry IV.
1610-1643- France: Louis XIII
1611-1614- France- rebellion of the princes.
1612-1619- Europe- Matthias HRE

                      THIRTY YEARS' WAR. 
1612- Ferdinand II crowned king of Hungary and BohemIa.
1618 -1648 Europe- Germany: Thirty Years' War.
1619- Europe: Emperor Ferdinand II.
1620- Germany- Battle of White Mountain.
1621- Spain- rise of Count Olivares
1621- Spain, Holland- end of Dutch-Spanish truce.

1623- Germany: Palatinate loses electoral vote to Maximilian of Bavaria.
1624-1642- France: Cardinal Richelieu dominates Royal Council.
1624- France, Holland- treaty.
1625-1648: Holland: Dutch Republic joins the anti-Spanish coalition.
1625-1649-  England: Charles I upon death of James I.
1628- England: Petition of Right- assassination of Duke of Buckingham.
                           England's Charles I.
1629-1640- England- Autocracy of Charles I.
1629: France: Peace of Alais. 
1629- Germany: Edict of Restitution. 
1630- Germany- Electoral Assembly of Regensberg demand Wallenstein's resignation.
-Gustavus Adolphus of Sweden, subsidized by France, lands in northern Germany. 
1630 - 1640 -England- Puritans Settle in New England forced out by increased Anglicanization of  England.
1631- Germany: Capture and massacre of Magdeburg.
1632- Germany: Hapsburgs defeated at Lutzen; death of Gustavus Adophus.
1634- Germany- Assassination of Wallenstein.
1635- France enters Thirty Years' War against Spain; Treaty of Prague.
1636-1637- France- peasant revolts in south and west. 
1637-  England: Ship Money Case.
1638- France- birth of Louis XIV
1640- England- Short Parliament, April-May.
1640-1660: England: the Long Parliament.
1640- Spain, Portulgal- revolt of Catalans, Portuguese.
1640-1688- Germany: Frederick Willliam, the Great Elector of Brandenburg.
 1641- England- execution of Earl of Stafford; beginning of Irish rebellion.
1642- France- death of Richelieu.
1642-1661- France: Cardinal Mazarin.

                    ENGLISH CIVIL WAR
1642-1646- England- first Civil War.
1643- France- death of Louis XIII- battle of Rocroi 
-regency of Anne of Austria for her son Louis;
1643- France, Spain-  Defeat of Spanish army by French at Rocroi.
1643- Denmark: war with Sweden.
1643- England- death of John Pym.
1643-1715- France: Louis XIV.
1645- England- Execution of William Laud, Archbishop of Cantebury.
1646- France- Swedish and French troops invade Bavaria.

                                  PEACE OF WESTPHALIA.
1648- Peace of Westphalia ends the Thirty Years' War and initiates the Sovereign State System by which no state is to interfere in the internal matters, including the religious policy, of any other.  End of Habsburg Supremacy. Recognition of independent Dutch Republic.
1648-1652- France- civil wars of the Fronde.
1648- England- Second Civil War- Pride's Purge. 


1649 – England: Charles I is executed by Cromwell’s Parliament.
1649-1658- England: rule of Oliver Cromwell. Repression of Ireland.
1649-1653- England: Commonwealth.
1651 - Hobbes and Locke describe new ways to think about government.
1652-1674- England, Holland fight three wars.
1653-1660- England: Protectorate of Oliver Cromwell.
1655-1660- Germany: Brandenburg dominates Prussia in Northern War.
1657 - Germany: Formation of Prussia as a Kingdom.
1658- England- death of Cromwell, succeeded by son Richard.
1659- Spain, France: Peace of the Pyrenees.

                                        ENGLISH RESTORATION
1660- England: Restoration of Charles II. Declaration of Breda.

                                        LOUIS XIV 
1660- France- marriage of Louis XIV to Maria Theresa of Spain.
1661- France- death of Cardinal Mazarin. Louis XIV fomally takes power.
1661-1715: Europe, France: Age of Louis XIV.
1662- England- Bartholomew Ejections begin following Act of Uniformity- expulsion of ministers creates English nonconformity.
1663- France- Louis XIV occupies Papal State of Avignon.
1664- France- Compagnie des Indes founded.
1665-1700- Spain: Charles II.
1667-1668- France: Louis XIV's War of Devolution.
1670- France, England- secret Treaty of Dover. 

1672-1678- France, Holland- Louis XIV's Dutch War; assassination of the DeWitt brothers.
1674- France- Louis XIV invades Franche Comte.
1678- England- Popish plot.
1679- France- first fortress built by Vauban,
1679-1681- England- Exclusion Crisis.
1681-1685-  England- Charles II rules without parliament.
1683- France- death of Colbert.
1685- France- revolcation of Edict of nantes.
1685- England- James II upon death of Charles II.
1682 - Peter the Great in Russia.
1683- Austria: Turks threaten Vienna.
1685: France: Revocation of Edict of Nantes by Louis XIV.
1685-1688- England- James II.
1687 - Mathematical Principles of Natural Philosophy by Newton is published
1688-1689- England: Glorious Revolution expels out James II and brings in William and Mary.
1688-1702- England: William and Mary. 
1688- Europe: death of Frederick William the Great Elector.
1689-1714- France: Anglo-Dutch and late wars of Louis XIV.
1689-1697- Europe: War of the League of Augsburg between Louis XIV of France and the HRE, Spain, Holland and Savoy. France emerges as the dominant power.
1694- England- Bill of Rights, Mutiny Act, Toileration Act. Death of Queen Mary.
1697- England- Treaty of Ryswick.
1700-1931- Spain: Bourbon rule.
1700-1746- Spain: Philip V.

                RISE OF PRUSSIA
1701-1918- Prussia: Hohenzollern kings. 
1701-1713- Prussia- Frederick I.
1701- England- Act of Settlement.
1702-1714- England: Queen Anne upon death of William III.

1702-1713- England, Europe; War of the Spanish Succession.

1704- England, France- battle of Blenheim.
1707: England, Scotland- Act of Union.
1711-1740- Austria: Charles VI.
1713-1750- Germany: Frederick II of Prussia.
1713-1714- Europe: War of Spanish Succession ends with the Peace of Utrecht and Rastadt. Rise of the English; decline of the Dutch. 

                  RISE OF BRITAIN.
1713 - Pragmatic Sanction,
1714- England- George I of Hanover upon death of Queen Anne.
1714- England: end of the Stuarts. 
1714-1837: England's Hanoverians.
1714-1727- England: George I.à
1715- France- death of Louis XIV 
1715-1774- France:  Louis XV
1720- France: Mississippi Bubble.
1720 - England: South Sea Bubble- The Breaking of the financial ‘Bubbles.’
1721-1742- England- ministry of Walope.

                   LOUIS XV
1723- France: Louis XV takes the throne after regency.
1726- France- Cardinal Fleury is prime minister.
1727-1760- England: George II.
1733 - 1763 -War of the Austrian Succession, French and Indian War and 7 Years War.
1736- England- John Welsley starts Methodist Societies.
1739- England: war of Jenkins' Ear.

                    AGE OF ENLIGHTENMENT 
1740-1780- Austria: Maria Theresa.
1740-1786- Germany: Frederick II, the Great, of Prussia. 
1740-1745- Germany-Austria- the Silesian Wars.
1740-1748- Europe: War of the Austrian Succession.
1740-1763- France, England: opponents in colonial wars.
1740-1789- Europe: Enlighttened despotism.
1741- Austria, Germany- Maria Theresa rallies Hungarian nobles against Prussia.
1745- France- Battle of Fontenoy.
1745- Scotland, England- Bonnie Prince Charlie and the Jacobite Rebellion.
1748- Europe- Treaty of Aix-la-Chapelle. 
1751 - 1772 - The Encyclopedia is published by Diderot.
1756- Europe: diplomatic revolution; the Habsburg-Bourbon alliuance.
1756-1763: Europe; France, Britain, Prussia: the Seven Years' War.
1760-1820- England: George III.
1761- England- resignation of William Pitt.
1762 - Catherine the Great rules Russia
1763 - Europe: Peace of Paris ends 7 Years War
1763 - England: Steam Engine first used in England
1769- England: Watt's steam engine and Arkwright's water fame.
1771- France- parlements abolished by Louos XV.
1772 – 1st Partition of Poland 
1774-1793- France: Louis XVI. 
1774- France- Louis XVI recalls trhe parlements.
1776 - The American Revolution
1776 - Wealth of Nations by Adam Smith explains capitalism
1776-1763- England: American war of Independence.
1778- France: French support Americans in Revolution.
1780s: Germany: cultural revivial. 

1780-1790- Austria: Joseph II. 
1781- Austria: Joseph II promulgates the edict of Tolerance.
1782-1806- England: ministries of William Pitt the Younger.
1783- Russia annexes the Crimea.

                    FRENCH REVOLUTION.
1789 - France: The French Revolution begins.
1791 - Declaration of Pillnitz and the Coalitions 
1792- France: August 10- overthrow of the monarchy Louis XVI. First Republic.
1792-1815- France, Europe: Revolutionary and Napoleonic Wars.
1792-1797- Europe: War of the First Coalition.
1793-1794: France: The Terror 
1794-1799- France: the Directory.
1793- 1814: England, France at war.
1796-1797- France, Austria, Italy: Napoleon's First Italian Campaign.
1797: Europe; France, Austria: Treaty of Campo Formio.
1798-1814- Europe: predominance of French Directory and Consulate and Empire of Napoleon.
1798- England, Ireland- rebellion in Ireland.
1798-1801: Europe: War of the Second Coalition.
1799 - France: Napoleon Takes Power in coup d'etat of Brumaire.
1799-1804- France: the Consulate.
1800 - 1850 - Germany: The Rise of German Nationalism.

1802-1803- Europe: Peace of Amiens. 

1804-1814: Europe, France: Napoleonic Empire. 
1806- Europe, Prussia Prussians defeated at Jena in Germany- end of Holy Roman Empire in Europe.
1806- Germany: the Confederation of the Rhine.
1806-1812- Europe: Napoleon's Continental system.
1807- Europe: Napoleon defeats Russia in East Prussia; alliance with Czar Alexander II at Peace of Tilsit
1807- England: Britain ends its slave trade.
1808-1813- Spain, France- Napoleon attempts conquest of Spain.
1809 -France, Austria: Defeat of Austria by Napoleon.
1809-1811- France: Napoleon at the height of his power.
1812 - England: War of 1812 
1812 - Europe: Napoleon's disastrous invasion of Russia. 
1813-- Germany, Austria, Europe: German war of Liberation: Napoleon defeated at Leipzig.
1814-1815:  Europe: The Congress of Vienna restates Conservatism in Europe.
1814-1848: Europe: Metternich influential.
1814-1830 France: restoration of the Bourbons, Louis XVIII

1815: England: Corn laws- tarriff on grain imports.
1815 - Europe, France: The Hundred Days and Napoleon's final defeat at Waterloo.

                  INDUSTRIAL REVOLUTION.
1818 - Europe: Congress of Aix-la-Chapelle
1819- Carlsbad decrees.
1819- England: the Duke of Wellington's Peterloo Massace.
1819 -1850s England, France: Politics- The Isms 
1820- Europe: Congress of Troppau.
1820s - Latin American Independence
1822- Europe: Congress of Vienna.
1823 - The Monroe Doctrine 
1824-1830- France- Charles X
1830- Europe- revolutionary ferment.
1830-1848 - France: Bourgeois Revolution- the July Monarchy.
1830- Belgium- Revolurtion.
1832- England: First reform Bill.
1833- England outlaws slave trade with the Abolition Act.

                         VICTORIAN PERIOD
1837-1901- England: Queen Victoria.
1838-1848- England: Chartist movement.
1839 - Opium Wars in China
1845 - Mexican American War.
1848 - France -February Revolution- established a bourgeois reoublic. In May-June, the Bourgeoisie repressed revolution by the workers. Second Republic.

 1848 - Germany -March Days and the Austrian and German Revolutions

1848- Austria- -attempted revolution- Emperor Ranz Joseph- 1848-1916. 
1848 - The Frankfurt Assembly 
1848 - Switzerland- Federal constitution defines the political system, providing for a centralised government. 
1848 - Europe: Marx and Engels: The Communist Manifesto and Marxism
1848 - Communist Manifesto
1850s - Ottoman Empire Collapsing 
1850-1873- free trade: golden age of British capitalism.
1850 - 1940 - Migration from Europe 
1852- Germany: Bismark.
1852- France: Coup d'etat by Louis Napoleon- Napoleon III- France's Second Empire begins.
1854 - 1856 - Britain, France, Russia- Crimean War
1859-1870- Italy- Italian Unification 
1859- Austria, Italy- Austro-Italian War.
1859 - Origin of the Species by Charles Darwin
1860- Europe, France: free trade with England.
1860-1870- France: Napoleon III's Liberal Empire.
1866-1871- Germany: Unification.
1867- Austria-Hungary- dual monarchy.
1867 -England-  Dominion of Canada separates from Great Britain
1870- First Vatican Council. 
1870-1940- France: Third Republic. 

1871 - Germany: Bismarck dominates the German Empire 
1871-1918- Germany's Empire.
1871-1883- Germany- Kulturkampf.
1871 - France: Paris Commune
1874-1880: England: Disraeli P.M.
1874 - Switzerland- Revised constitution allows for the exercise of direct democracy by referendum. 
1877 - Russo-Turkish War 
1878-1880- Germany: Bismark's anti-socialist laws.
1878- Congress of Berlin: Austro-Grman alliance. 
1880s- Europe: rise of socialist parties.
1880-1914 - Europe: Rise and height of Imperialism 

1881- Europe: the triple alliance of France, Britain and Russia.
1883- Germany: Bismark's social insurance laws.
1884- England: extension of suffrage.
1885- Europe, Germany: Berlin conferecne on Africa.
1889- Europe:  Second communist international.
1889- France: Boulanger. 
1894- Europe, France: Franco-Russian alliance.
1894-1906- France: Dreyfus Affair.
1896- Netherlands- male suffrage.
1898-1914- Germany, England- in naval ship building race.
1899-1902- England- the Boer War.
1900 ff- Europe: growth of democracy.
1901-1905- France: Laic Laws separate church and state.
1904 - Russo Japanese War 

1904- Europe, France, England: Anglo French entente.
1905- Germany, France- Morocco crisis.
1905 - Revolution of 1905 and Bloody Sunday in Russia
1906-1911- England: social insurance and parliamentary reform. 

                        THE TRIPLE ENTENTE
1907- Europe: Triple entente.
1907- Austria- male suffrage.
1908- Europe- Bosnian crisis.
1911- Europe: Agadir Crisis.
1914- England/Ulster: the Ulster Crsisis.
1914 - Europe: Assassination of Francis Ferdinand leads to WWI

                       THE FIRST WORLD WAR.

1914-1918- Europe: World War I.
1914- Europe: Battle of the Marne.
1916- Europe: Battles of Verdun and the Marne.
1916- Europe: battle kof Jutland.
1916-1922- England, Ireland: Irish troubles. 
1917 - Zimmerman Telegram
1917 - Europe- Lusitania sinking brings the US into WWI
1917 - Europe- Revolution of 1917 takes Russia out of war and brings in Communism. 
1918- Britain- limited suffrage for women.
1918 - Treaty of Brest-Litovsk takes Russia out of WWI
1918- Europe- Germany, Austria- Armistice at Compiegne ends WW I. Fall of German and Ausro-Hungarian Empires.
1919 - Europe- Treaty of Versailles and Wilson’s 14 Points 
1919-  Europe- Peace of Paris. 
1919- Euope-  further spread of democracy.

                   RISE OF FASCISM
1922-1943- Italy- Mussolini and Fascism.
1922 - Formation of USSR.
1922- Britain, Ireland: declaration of Irish Free State.
1923- Europe: Rhur Crisis- French occupy he Ruhr.
1923- Germany: crippling inflation.
1923: Europe:  Pan European Union society formed; supporters include Konrad Adenauer and Georges Pompidou, later leaders of Germany and France.
1924- Britain: first labour coalition government.
1924 - Rise of Stalin
1924 - Dawes Plan
1925 - Europe- Locarno Pacts
1926 - England: English General Strike 
1928- England: full suffrage for women.
1928 – Stalin’s Purges and 5 Year Plans
1928-1974- Portugal: Salazar dictatorship.

1929 - Europe: Great Depression begins.
1929-1930- Europe: Great Depression. Decline in democracy; rise of dictators.
1929-1931- Britain: Second Labour government.
1931-1940- Britain: National Government.
1931- Britain: leaves gold standard.
1931- Spain: Spanish Revolution.
1932- Britain: adopts tarriff protection.
1932 - FDR Elected 

             THE NAZIS
1933 - Germany- Reichstag Fire and Rise of the Nazi Party

1933-1945- Germany- Adolph Hitler. Third Reich.
1933- Germany- quits League of Nations.
1934: Austria: first Austrian Crisis.
1934: France: Paris-- Stavisky Riots.
1935 - Germany- Nuremburg Laws.
1936- Germany- militarizes Rhineland.
1936-1939- Spain, France- Popular Fronts in Spain and France.
1936-1939- Spain: Civil War.
1936: Britain: abdication of Edward VIII; coronation of George VI.
1936 - Spain: The Spanish Civil War

1937-  Europe- Italy-Germany-Japan- axis powers.
1938 - England, Germany: Munich Crisis and appeasement.
1938: Austria, Germany: Anchluss: Germany annexes Austria.
1938-1939- Germany annexes Czecholslovakia.
1939- Germany- Nazi Soviet Pact.
1939-1945 - Nazi invasion of Poland triggers World War II. 
1939-1945- Britain, Germany at war.
1939-45 - Switzerland- Federal Council issues a declaration of neutrality at start of World War II. Refuses to join United Nations. 
1939-1975- Spain: Franco dictatorship.
 1940- Britain: Churchill replaces Chamberlain; Battle of Britain.
1940-1944- Germany dominates Western Europe.
1940-1945- Europe- German domination- racist policy, liebensraum, extermination of the Jews.
1940- France falls to Germany. 
1941 - England- Lend-Lease with America Begins
1941- Europe: Allied bombing cammpaign against Germany. 
1942: Europe: France:  Charles de Gaulle calls for a union.
1943 - Europe, Germany: Stalingrad 
1943:  Europe, Italy: Allies invade Italy; fall of Mussolini.
1944 - Europe: D-Day
1944-1945- Europe:  Allies liberate Western Europe. Russian offensive against Germany.

1945- Europe, Germany- Allied occupation of Germany. 
1945- Europe: deaths of Hitler and Mussolini.

                                   ARRANGEMENTS FOR PEACE

1945 -Europe: Potsdam Conference
1945 -Europe:  Formation of the United Nations 
1945 -Britain: Labour election victory.
1945-1951- Britain- Labour government. 
1945- Europe: United Nations established.
1945- Italy- elections- beginning of Christian Democratic Coalitions.
1945-1958- France: Fourth Republic. 

                                 STALIN TAKES EASTERN EUROPE.
1945-1946- Europe, Germany- Stalin occupies Eastern Germany; West splits from East.
1945-1946- Europe: female suffrage in France, Italy, Belgium.
1945-47- Europe: Cold War begins.

                                 THE MARSHALL PLAN
1945-1953- Europe:  US Marshall Plan.
1946- Italy- Italian Republic.
1946- Europe, Germany: Nuremburg Trials.

1946: Europe: European Union of Federalists forms to campaign for a United States of Europe.

1946:  Europe: Sept- Churchill calls for a United States of Europe based around France and Germany to increase chance of peace.

1946- France-  the Monet Plan.
1946-1953- Italy- De Dasperi premier.
1947- Europe: signing of various peace treaties between different nations.
1947-1949- Britain, Netherlands:  End of British rule in India; end of Dutch empire in SE Asia. 

                                 TWO GERMANIES
1948 - Germany: Berlin Blockade and airlift.
1948- Italy- elections: Cmmunists.
1948 – Israel is created by the UN
1948 - Chaos in the Middle East
1948: Europe: Jan.- Benelux Customs Union formed by Belgium, Luxembourg and Netherlands.
1948: Europe: Organisation for European Economic Co-operation (OEEC) created to organise the Marshall Plan; some argue this is not unified enough.
1949- Germany: Federal Republic in West Germany; German Democratic Republic in East Germany.
1949-1963- Germany: Konrad Adenauer chancellor- economic expansion..

                                FOUNDATION OF NATO.

1949- Europe: April- NATO founded.
1949- Europe: May- Council of Europe formed to discuss closer co-operation.
1950: Europe: May- Schuman Declaration (named after the French Foreign Minister) proposes French and German coal and steel communities.
1950 - The Korean War

                                   WESTERN EUROPE UNITES ON COAL AND STEEL.
1951: Europe: April- European Coal and Steel Community Treaty signed by Germany, France, Ireland, Luxembourg, Belgium and Netherlands.
1951-1964- Britain- Concervative governments.
1952- Germany: end of Allied occupation of  West Germany.
1952:  Europe: May- European Defence Community (EDC) Treaty.
1952- Britain: Elizabeth II succeeds George VI
1953 -Europe: The Death of Stalin and Hardening of the Cold War.

                            THE COLD WAR.
1953- Europe: economic recovery in Western Europe.
1954- Europe: Wetsern European Union; West German rearmament.

1953: Europe:  East Berlin Uprising.
1954:  Europe: August- France rejects the EDC treaty. 
1954- France- beginning of war in Algeria.
1956- England, France- Suez Crisis.
1955- Austria: peace treaty.
1957- England: tests hydrogen bomb.

                           THE EUROPEAN COMMON MARKET.
1957   Europe: 25 March: Treaties of Rome signed: creates Common Market / European Economic Community (EEC) and European Atomic Energy Community.
1958:  Europe: Jan 1- Treaties of Rome come into effect
1958-1969- France:  DeGaulle President.
1958: France: Fifth Republic.
1959- Europe, Britain: British back free trade association.
1959 - Switzerland- Founder-member of European Free Trade Association (Efta).
Four party government system comes into being in a political agreement know as the "magic formula" which lasts for decades and brings a large measure of political stability.
1960- Belgium withdraws from Congo.
1960- France becomes a nuclear power.
1960s - Europe: African Pullout 
1960s- Spain industrializes.

                           THE BERLIN WALL.

1961- Europe, Germany: building of Berlin Wall.
1961:  Europe: Britain tries to join the EEC but is rejected.
1962 - Cuban Missile Crisis
1962- France withdraws from Algeria.
1963 - Nuclear Arms Treaty.
1963- Europe- France, Germany- January- Franco-German Treaty of Friendship; they agree to work together on many policy issues.

1963- Europe, France, Britain: France vetoes British entry to Common Market.
1963-1968- Germany: Erhard succeeds Adenauer in continuing Christian Democratic coalition.
1965 - The Vietnam War 
1965- France: DeGaulle re-elected.
1966:  Europe: January- Luxembourg Compromise gives majority vote on some issues, but leaves national veto on key areas.

1967:  Europe: British application again rejected.
1968:  Europe: July- Full customs union created in the EEC, ahead of schedule.

                         STUDENT DEMONSTRATIONS- MAY '68.
1968:  France- May- massive student and labour demonstrations nearly bring down government.
1968:  France tests hydrogen bomb. 
1969:  Europe: December- Hague summit to “relaunch” the Community, attended by heads of state.
1969 - Moon Landing 
1969-1974- Germany- Willy Brandt ends Christian Democrat government, begins Social Democrat coalition.
1969-1981- France- DeGaulle is succeeded by Pompidou and then by Giscard D'Estaing.
1969- England; Northern Ireland: resurgence of Catholic-Protestant clashes.
1970-1974- England: Conservative governments.
1970: Europe: Werner Report argues economic and monetary union possible by 1980.
1970:  Europe: April- Agreement for EEC to raise own funds through levies and customs duties.
1970- Italy enters a period of economic and political instabililty.
1972- Europe: October-: Paris Summit agrees plans for future, including economic and monetary union and ERDF fund to support depressed regions.

                           EXPANSION OF THE EEC.
1973  Europe: Denmark, Ireland and UK join the EEC
1973- Germany joins UN.
1974- Europe: Economic recession.
1974: Portugal: revolution ends Salazar dictatorship.
1974-1979- England: Labour governments.
1974-1982- Germany: helmut Schmidt heads Social Democratic coalition government.
1975 - Helsinki Conference on Human Rights.
1975- Spain: death of Franco followed by Constitutional Monarchy.
1975 Europe: March: First meeting of the European Council, where heads of state gather to discuss events.
1976-78 - Italy- Communist election gains lead to voice in policy making.

                         THE RED BRIGADES.
1978 - Italy- Former Prime Minister Aldo Moro kidnapped and murdered by fanatical left-wing group, the Red Brigades. Abortion legalised.
 1979 Europe: Greece admitted.The first European Parliament elections take place and the Single European Currency Unit was introduced (later to become the Euro)
1979: Europe: First direct elections to European Parliament.
1979- Europe: March: Agreement to create the European Monetary System.

                                MARGARET THATCHER.

1979- England: return of Conservatice with PM Margaret Thatcher.
1981- Europe, Greece- Greece joins EEC
1981- France: President Francois Mitterand elected with socialist majority in assembly.
1982- Spain joins NATO.
1982- Germany:  Helmut Kohl heads Christian Democrat coalition.
1982- Italy: 43rd post-war cabinet.
1984- Europe: February: Draft Treaty on European Union produced.
1984: England- Year long minders strike over pit closures.
1986:  Europe, Portugal, Spain- Portugal and Spain join EEC
1986 - Chernobyl nuclear meltdown in Ukraine. 
1986- England- major indistries privatized.
1987- Europe: 1 July: Single European Act comes into effect.
1988- France:  Mitterand re-elected.

                                    FALL OF THE BERLIN WALL.

1989 - Europe; Germany: The Berlin Wall falls and Communism ends.
1990- Germany- leads the new, unified german.
1991- German capital moved from Bonn to Berlin. 
1991-  Europe: the EEC is renamed the European Union (EU)
1991 - Gulf War
1991- England, Northern Ireland- 10 IRA militants die in Northern Ireland hunger strike.
1991- Italy- Communist Party renamed Party of the Democratic Left.
1992- Austria- Kurt Waldheim replaced by Thomas Klestil as president.
1992- Italy- Investigations into high level corruption.
-anti-Mafia prosecutor Giovanni Falcone killed in car bombing. 
1992- Germany- former E.German leader Eric Honecker brought to Berlin on political charges.
1992- England: election of conservative PM John Major.

                                   THE MAASTRICHT TREATY.
1992-  Europe: February: Maastricht Treaty, Treaty on European Union signed.
1992- Denmark rejects Maastricht Treaty on greater European integration.
1992- Belgium- Ratifies Maastricht.
1993- Denmark- Prime Minister Schlueter resigns after allegedly lying over a scandal involving Tamil refugees; social democrat Poul Nyrup Rasmussen becomes prime minister.
1993- Holland- allows regulated euthanasia by doctors.
-Denmark approves Maastricht after being granted opting out clauses.
1993- Belgium: constituiton divides Belgium into Flanders, Wallonia and Brussells.
1993: Europe: Single Market begins.
1993- Germany approves Maastricht Treaty. 
1993- Europe: 1 November: Maastricht Treaty comes into effect.1995- Austria, Finland and Sweden join the EU

1993- Italy- socialist party leader Craxi steps down in bribery scandal, flees; tried and convicted in absentia.
1994- Germany- last of Russian and Allied troops leave Berlin.

                                 ITALY ELECTS BERLUSCONI
1994- Italy- March- Freedom Alliance wins election. Coalition of Silvio Berlusconi and his Forza Italia, the Northern League and the neo-Fascist National Alliance, collapses in late 1994 following clashes with anticorruption magistrates and a battle with trade unions over pension reform.
1994- Denmark- Poul Nyrup Rasmussen returns to power in general election.
1994- Holland -Labour Party head Wim Kok elected Prime Minister with 3-arty coalition.
1995- Europe, Austria- joins EU- but coalition government collapses over the budget and over criteria for joining the EU monetary Union.
1995: Europe: Spain joins EEC 
1995 - Swiss Banking Association announces - after pressure from Jewish groups - it has uncovered dormant pre-1945 bank accounts containing millions of dollars. 
1995- France:  Jacques Chirac elected president, ending 14 years of Socialist presidency.  France receives international condemnation after it launches a series of nuclear tests in the Pacific.
1995- Spain:  Leader of opposition Popular Party Jose Maria Aznar survives a car bomb blast.
1995-1996-Italy- Lamnberto Dini heads government of technocrats, brings in austerity.
1996- Italy- Romano Prodi, leading Olive Tree Alliance, becomes Prime Minister.
1996- Austria- new coaltion formed by Social Democrats with People's Party.
1996: Spain:   Jose Maria Aznar elected Prime Minister,

1997- Ausrtria- Finance Minister Viktor Klima takes over as Vranitzky resigns as chancellor and leader of Social Democrats.

1997: Spain:  thousands of Spaniards protest ETA after separatist group kidnaps and kills Basque councillor.
1997- Italy- Massimo D'Alema becomes Prime Mionister after Prodi government loses confidence vote.
1997- France:  Lionel Jospin becomes prime minister in "cohabitation' power sharing with president.
1997- Europe: October: Treaty of Amsterdam makes minor changes.

                                        BRITAIN ELECTS TONY BLAIR.

1997: England: May- Tony Blair elected at head of a Labour government.
1998- Holland- Wim Kok re-elected Prime Minister.
1998- Austria- Klestil re-elected president.
1998- Denmark: Poul Nyrup Rasmussen again returned to power.
1998- Northern Ireland, England: April: devolved Assembly for Northern Ireland brought in with Good Friday Accord.
1998 August - Swiss banks agree $1.25bn compensation deal with Holocaust survivors and families. 
1998- Germany: SPD leader Gerhard Schroeder elected Chancelor to lead Red-Green coalition.
-Germany announces compensation for former slave workers under Nazis.
1998- Spain: Judge Jorge Bathasar issues arrest warrnt against Chilean dictator Genral Pinochet who had taken refuge in England, though England's Jack Straw allows him to return to Chile in 2000.
1999- Europe: 1 January: Euro introduced in eleven counties.
1999- England decides not to adopt the Euro.
1999 Europe: 1 May: Treaty of Amsterdam comes into effect.
1999- Belgium:Jean-Luc Dehaene's coalition resigns after heavy election losses. Coalition led by Prime Minister Guy Verhofstadt takes office.  

                                       AUSTRIA: HAIDER'S FAR RIGHT PARTY.
1999- Austria- October -  Joerg Haider's far right Freedom Party wins 27% of vote in national elections, equal second with centre right People's Party though Social Democrats remain largest party.

2000- coaltion of People's Party and Social Democrats breaks down; People's party approaches Freedom Party  Freedom Party becomes part of the government, sparking international and national protest. EU imposes diplomatic sanctions when People's Party head Wolfgang Schuessel becomes chancellor with Susanne Riess-Passer of the Freedom Party as his deputy. Haider, seen as too extreme- hands over party leadership to Riess-Passer.
August- state companies agree to pay $65 million to compensate Holocaust survivors.
September- EU ends diplmatic isolation of Austria, saying it achieves nothing.

2000- Denmark- rejects Euro.
-bridge and tunnel links Copenhagen to Sweden.
2000- Italy- poor regional election returns oust D'Alema. Giuliano Amato becomes Prime Minister. 
May/June - A centre-right coalition, led by Silvio Berlusconi of the Forza Italia party, wins the general elections.  Berlusconi forms new coalition government which includes the leaders of two right-wing parties, Gianfranco Fini of the National Alliance and Umberto Bossi of the Northern League as well as the pro-European Renato Ruggiero who becomes foreign minister.
2000- Germany- Angela Merkel heads CDU after Helmut Kohl and and CDU leader Schaeubel fall in illegal party funding scandal.
2000- France: September - Chirac in corruption scandal; dismisses allegations.

                                      SPAIN- RESURGENCE OF BASQUE ETA.

2000- Spain: ETA responsible for Madrid Car bombings.
-Aznar's Popular Party wins massive general election victory
2001- Holland-  euthanasia legalized with doctors under strict conditions.
-4 gay couples leagally married in Amsterdam- gay adoption of children legalized.
2001- Austria.
2001- Denmark- Fogh Rasmussen elected president of right-wing coalition on ledge to limit immigration and cut taxes. 
2001-- Germany- march- European Court of Human Rights decides three former East German Communist leaders should serve jail time for allowing shooting of attempted
escapees into W Germany.
November- Schroeder wins non-confidence motion over decision to send 4,000 troops to Afghanistan.
2001- Italy- May- Berlusconi's centre-right Forza Italia, a coaltion including the Northern League and the national Alliance- wins elections.
Oct- vote approves move for a constitution giving Itlay's regions more autonomy.
2001- Spain- parliament gives recognition to the Maqui who held out against Franco after 1939.2001- England: foot and mouth disease plagues British cattle.
2001: Europe: Treaty of Nice signed; extends majority voting.
2001- Italy- foreign minister Renato Ruggiero resigns because of cabinet scepticism over EU.
2001- Holland- Euro replaces gilder.
2002- Holland-Wim Kok's government forced to resign after revelation of Dutch failure to stop massacre at Srebrenica during Bosnian War. May- leader of anti-immigration party, Pym Fortuyn is murdered as his party comes second in elections. Jan Peter Balkanende's Christian Democatic Appeal comes first.  July-  Balkenende steps up as prime minister in centre-right coalition with List Pim Fortuyn Party and the liberal People's Party for Freedom and Democracy (VVD) Oct- Balkenende's government collapses due to infighting with the Fortuyn party.
2002- Austria- September - Coalition collapses as Vice Chancellor and Freedom Party leader Riess-Passer and two Freedom Party ministers resign in power struggle with Joerg Haider.

November- Scheussel's People's Party makes large gains at expense of Freedom Party.
2002- Germany- March- government passes controversial bill limiting number of non-EU skilled immigrants. -Kohl wins in effort to keep closed files kept on him and other Germans by the Stasi, the former East German police. -Sept- Schoeder saved in federal elections by Green supporters after losing much of his majority.
2002- Belgium: decriminalizes euthanasia.
2002- Spain defied by Morocco over Perejil.  Both clountries withdraw, leaving island unoccupied.
-court suspends Basque separatist party because of alleged loinks to ETA.
2002: Europe; Spain hosts EU summit amid widespread strikes against rediction of unemployment benefits.
2002- Europe: the Euro is introduced in 12 of the EU member states including France.

                                    FRANCE ELECTS JACQUES CHIRAC.

2002- France: May-  Jacques Chirac re-elected president, hammering National Front leader Jean-Marie Le Pen in second round of voting. Le Pen's showing in first round sent fears though France and Europe and prompted French voters to launch mass street demonstrations. -Lionel Jospin, the left-wing presidential contender, knocked out by Le Pen in the first round, resigns  premiership and Socialist Party leadership.

June - massie victory in legislative elections for centre-right UMP. Jean-Pierre Raffarin's centre-right government is confirmed in office, bringing an end to the "cohabitation" years when Chirac had to work with Socialist Prime Minister Jospin. November - large public sector strikes over government privatisation plans bring country to a halt.

2002- Denmark: Rasmussen government takes controversial measures to reduce immigration.
2003- Holland- January- Christian Democratic Appeal Party narrowly wins elections. May- Centre-right coalition sworn in led by Balkenende for second term. Coalition comprises Balkenende's Christian Democratic Appeal (CDA), People's Party for Freedom and Democracy (VVD) and Democrats-66.

2003- Europe: 1 February: Treaty of Nice comes into effect.
2003- Austria- Social democrats in talks with Green Party as People's party talks again with Freedom Party. May- strike against pension reform.
2003- Germany- Constitutional refuses to uphold Government ban on Neo Nazi Party because government had planted agent provocateurs,
2003: England: March- joins the US invasion of Iraq.
2003- France- March- changes in constitution allow devolition of pwers to local government.

                                    BRITAIN'S BLAIR AND THE INVASION OF IRAQ.
2003: England: Tony Blair admits that Saddam Hussein had no weapons of mass destruction- the basis for invading Iraq.

2003- Belgium committed to closing its seven nuclea reactors by 2025 and not constructing new ones.
2003- Italy- May-June- Belusconi stands trial in Milan on corruption charges until law is passed making Prime Minister and other posts of state immune from prosecution.
2003 October - Switzerland- The right-wing Swiss People's Party (SVP) becomes the biggest force in parliament after winning almost 28% of the vote in general elections.
2004- Italy-Jan- Top consitutional court throws out immunity law. Belusconi's trial for corruption resumes in April.
2004- Austria- April- Heinz Fischer elected president.
2004-  Italy- December- Berlusconi leaed of corruption.
2004- Germany: Horst Koehler, backed by CDU elected president.
-August-September- mass protests in eastern Germany against cuts to social benefits.
2004: Denmark-  February- Rasumussen re-ected prime minister at head of right wing coaltion. Far right party wins two more seats.
2004: England: 1.8 million Muslims in Britain
2004: France:  March- March - President Chirac's UMP thrown out in regional elections.

2004- France- -November - Nicolas Sarkozy becomes leader of UMP.
2004- Holland- Artist Theo Van Gogh is murdered by an Islamist for projecting the Koran onto a woman's body in an art work about Islam's treatment of women.
2004- Belgium- far right Flemish party banned by high court for being racsist. The party reconstitutes itself under a new name.

                                   MADRID TRAIN BOMBINGS.

2004: Spain: Islamists terrorists bomn Atocha train station, killing 191.
-Zapatero elected Prime Minister- Spanish troops withdrawn from Iraq.

                                  FURTHER EXPANSION OF EU. 
2004- Europe: On May 1st 10 new member states join the EU. On June 10th, European Parliament elections take place in the UK -Draft EU constitution signed. 1 May: Cyprus, Estonia, Hungary, Latvia, Lithuania, Malta, Poland, Slovak Republic, Czech Republic, Slovenia join EU

2005- Austria- Haider's new Alliance for the Future of Austria splits away from Feedom Party.Apri
May- parliament ratifies EU constitution.

                                    GERMANY: STASI FILES OPENED.
2005- Germany- restricted access allowed to Helmut Khol's Stasi files. -May- ratifies EU constitution.
-July- Schroeder calls early elections. -September- close election forces coalition talks.
-November- CDU's Angela Merkel becomes Chancellor after coaltion formed between SPD and CDU.
2005- Holland- July- a radical islamist is convicted and jailed for the murder or artists Thro Van Gogh.
June- Dutch reject EU consitution.
2005- Italy- ratifies EU constitution. April- Belusconi's Forza Italia defeated in regional polls. Berusconi resigns but is then asked to form a new government.

2005- Belgium: approves draft of EU constitution. 
2005- Belgium: government plans for pension reform prompts nationwide strike action.

                                     FRENCH UNIONS REJECT CUTS.
2005- France: January - Trade unions lanuch wave of public sector strikes against proposed labour, pension and welfare reforms.
2005- France- May- Referendum opposess plan for EU constitution prompting resignation of Prime Minister Raffarin.

2005- France: October - One-day national strike in protest at welfare reforms, low pay and privatisation plans.
2005 September -Switzerland-  Referendum vote goes in favour of opening job market to workers from the 10 newest European Union countries.

                                      DANISH CARTOONS OF MOHAMMED.
2005- Denmark- Cartoons on the Prophet Mohammed outrage Muslims and spark protest.

                                      MUSLIM RIOTS AROUND PARIS.
2005- France: Oct-Nov-  in poor, largely Muslim and African suburbs of  north-east Paris hit by riots after two youths of North African origin, pursued by police, are electrocuted in an electricity substation. Interior Minister Sarkozy calls them 'scum' before bringing in emergency measures to end the riots.
2005- England- Tony Blair reelected: first Labour politician elected prime minister for three terms .
2005- England: July- Four Pakistani suicide bombers kill 55 people in London Underground.

2005: England: Northern Ireland:  IRA gives up armed struggle for a united Ireland
2005: Europe: Draft constitution rejected by voters in France and the Netherlands.
2005- Europe; England- UK takes its turn as President of the European Council of Ministers
2005- Spain: Feb- ETA stops attacks on elected officials. -June- Madrid car bomb kills 40.
-government legalizes gay marriage as well as granting hays adoption and inheritance rights.

                                   GERMANY ELECTS MERKEL.
2005- Germany- November- Angela Merkel elected chancellor.
2006   Denmark- January - February - Cartoon depictions of the Muslim prophet Muhammad, published by a Danish newspaper in 2005, spark belated mass protests among Muslims in a number of countries as well as unofficial boycotts of Danish goods.

2006- Holland- February- parliament agrees to send another 1,400 troops to NATO-led  mission in Afghanistan. June-July- Balkenende government collapses over immigration policy as PM Balkenende cobbles temporary minority government. -Durtch cabinet supports plans to ban the Burqa in public places.

                                      AUSTRIA JAILS IRVING FOR HOLOCAUST DENIAL. 
2006- Austria- Vienna court sentences author David Irving to two years for Holocaust denial.
Oct- Social Democrats under Alfred Gusenbauer and Conservatives form coalition after SD defeats ruling Conservatives in elections.  
2006: Denmark: January- newspaper publishes cartoons mocking the prophet Mohammed igniting world-wide Muslim protests.

2006: Spain: ETA declares ceasefire- but Madrid Airport bombing ends ceasefire and peace negotiations.-over 20,000 illigral migrants arrive from Africa in Canary Islands.
-head of Spanish armed forces fired after suggesting army might intervene if Catalonia gained tooo much authonomy.
2006- France: March-April - Youth employment laws cause mass demonstrations in Paris and other cities before legislation is scrapped.
2006- Belgium- police raid barracks and military installations in search of extreme right group and make arrests for intent to destabilize Belgian institutions.
2006- Germany- Parliament approves extensive reforms speeding up efficiency and decision-making.
August- police discover unexploded bombs on local trains near Cologne.

                                         ITALY: MAJOR MAFIA ARREST.
2006- Italy- April- May. Romano Prodi wins elections at head of centre-left coaltion.
-Bernardo Provenzano, head of Sicilian Mafia arrested by Italiam police.
May- Giorgio Napolitano, former Communist leader is elected President.
June- parliament throws out proposed reforms e mpowering regions and post of Prime Minister.
2007- Holland- Feburary- Bakenende sworn in with 3 party centrist coalition.
2007- Denmark will pull 470 troops out of Iraq in August.
-November- Prime Ministrer Fogh Rasmussen elected to another term in office.

              BLAIR RESIGNS IN BRITAIN. SARKOZY ELECTED IN FRANCE.                          
2007- England: Tony Blair resigns and is succeeded by Gordon Brown

2007- France- May - Nicolas Sarkozy,  former interior minister and leader of ruling conservative UMP, wins  decisive majority in second round of presidential election. June -  UMP wins parliamentary elections with a reduced majority. Party insists on mandate to carry out reforms. -Mr Sarkozy delivers on pre-election promise to name women to half the posts in the new cabinet, bringing in people from across the political divide. Aug- France signs major arms deal with Libya.

September - Legislation tightening entry rules for relatives of immigrants is passed. November - Civil servants and workers protest againstSarkozy's planned cuts in pay and jobs, and reform of pension benefits. Widespread disruption of public services.
2007- Belgium- June- Prime Minister Guy Verhovstadt resigns after his rulign coaltion loses elections. Stays on as caretaker as he attempts to form another coalition.
-September-  Belgium is 100 days without a government.
-December-  Verhovstadt reappointed Prime Minister for interim government.

                        MAASTRICHT TREATY SIGNED.
2007- Europe: Treaty of Maastricht signed- opening the way to monetary union.
2007- Europe: Bulgaria and Romania set to join the EU
2007:  Europe: Lisbon Treaty signed, this modified the constitution until it was deemed a sufficient compromise; Bulgaria and Romania join.
2007 September - Switzerland- Row over Swiss People's Party's ''kick out the black sheep'' poster aimed at deporting foreigners who commit crime
2007 December - Swiss People's Party (SVP) quits the governing coalition after one of its leaders, Christoph Blocher, is forced from his cabinet seat
2007- Spain: several found guilty and sentenced for 2004 Madrid train bombings.
-government passes bill formally denouncing the Franco regime and all symbols and memorials to it.
2008- Austria- Josef Fritzel sentenced to life for keeping his daughter prisoner for 24 years and fathering children with her- resulting in push to toughen laws on sexual abuse.
July- Conservatives force election by withdrawing from coalition with Social Democrats.
Sept- Social Democrats win elections but SDs and People's Party lose heavily to parties of the far right.
Oct- Future of Austria Party Haider killed in car crash.
Dec- Social Democrats and People's Party form coaltion government.               
2008- Italy- January- Prime Minister Prodi forced to resign in non-confodence vote.
April- Belusconi elected premier in national elections. August- Berlusconi finalizes deal investing in Libya as part of pology for Italian treatment of Libya in colonial period.

November- Italy falls into recession.
2008- Denmark- Feb- Islamist plot uncovered against one of the cartoonists who mocked Mohammed.
2008- Spain- March -governing Socialist Workers' Party wins in parliamentary elections.
-umemployment rises to 11.4%.
2008- Germany- on Israel's 60th annoversary, Angela Merkel makes historic speech in Knesset, first time German head of state has ever made an address in Israel.
Octoner- government passes $68 billion bailout plan for major German bank. Germany also shares in $1.8 trillion EU plan to prop up European economy.
November- Germany falls into recession.
2008: France: February - France formally ratifies Lisbon Treaty on reform of European Union.
2008- Belgium- new government headed by Yves Leterme sworn in.
-July- Leterme offers to resign after failing to reach power-sharing government between French and Durch-speaking parts of country. King Albert II asks him to stay on.
2008: Europe: Ireland: June Irish voters reject Lisbon Treaty.

                           2008 MARKET CRASH.

2008- Europe:  stock market crash worldwide, triggered by excesses of US sub-prime mortgage lenders and collapse Of najor US banks.

2008: Europe: October - European governments pledge up to 1.8 trillion euros as part of co-ordinated plans to shore up their financial sectors, hit hard by the global financial crisis. France says it will inject 10.5bn euros into the country's six largest banks.
2008- England: The British economy goes into a recession after 16 years of growth.
2008 October - Austria- The leader of the far-right Alliance for the Future of Austria, Joerg Haider, is killed in a car crash.
2008- England- Otober- The British economy shrinks for the first time in 16 years and the pound has its biggest one-day drop against the dollar since 1971 on Oct 24

December- The London stock market loses 31% in 2008, the worst loss in 24 years
2008- Belgium-September- Together with The Netherlands and Luxembourg, Belgium agrees to inject funds into the ailing financial group, Fortis. Dutch operation later breaks away, weakening the Fortis group.
Government announces agreement with France and Luxembourg to rescue embattled Dexia bank, the world's biggest lender to local governments.-October - Amid a worsening global financial crisis, Fortis financial group holdings in Belgium and Luxembourg is rescued by French bank BNP Paribas, which buys 75 percent of the group's shares. The deal creates one of the continent's biggest savings banks. 
-December- Prime Minister Yves Leterme resigns over scandal about Fortis recue.
2008- Denmark- April-Fogh Rasmussen appointed NATO secretary general. Lars Rasmussen becomes prime minister
2008 November - Denmark- Greenland referendum approves plans to seek more autonomy from Denmark and a greater share of oil revenues off the island's coast.
2008 December - Austria New coalition government made up of the centre-left Social Democrats (SPO) and the conservative People's Party is sworn in, two months after snap elections. SPO leader Werner Faymann becomes chancellor. 
2009 January - Swiss economy officially goes into recession.
2009 March - Switzerland's government announces it will relax its rules on banking secrecy to allow Swiss financial institutions to co-operate with international investigations into tax evasion.


2009- Holland- Court orders Geet Wilders to stand trial for incting hatred by making a film tracing the Koran to Muslim extremism. May- 7 people killed in parade during unsuccessful attack on the Dutch royal family. June- -far-right Freedom Party of Geert Wilders, gains second  place in European elections in Netherlands, winning 15% of the vote.
2009- Belgium- Herman Von Rompuy made Prime Minister, inheriting mostl of Leterme's coalition.
November- Leterme returns after Rompuy quits for position on European Council.
2009- Italy- earthquake hits Abruzzo, killing hundreds, leaving thousands homeless.
October- law giving Berlusconi immunity from prosecution os overturned in Constitutional Court.

2009- France: Government plans commission on limits to use of the burka in France after Sarkozy said it undermines dignity of citizens.

2009- Sept.- England- The British stock market posts the best three months in 25 years
2009: Europe: October- Irish voters accept Lisbon Treaty.
-Lisbon Treaty comes into effect, amending Treaty of Maaastrict.

                        SPANISH UNEMPLOYMENT SOARS
2009: Spain: unemployment soars to 19% by November.
2009- Germany- February- govrnment passes $68 billion natial financial rescue plan.
September- Merkel reelected by Centre-right CDU-CSU coaltion.
October- Merkel's extends coalition to include pro-business Free Democrat party.
2009 November - Swiss voters approve referendum initiative banning the construction of minarets. 
2009- Denmark- December- Denmark hosts Copenhagen summit-which ends without binding commitments to deal with climate change.

                          EUROPEAN UNION FINANCIAL CRISIS.  

2010- In January, a European Union report condemns sever irregularities in Greek accounting procedures. Greece's budget deficit in 2009 is revised upwards to 12.7%, from 3.7%, and more than four times the maximum allowed by EU rules.

-The European Central Bank dismisses speculation that Greece will have to leave the EU.
-European Union: In February, Greece unveils a series of austerity measures aimed at curbing the deficit.
-On 11 February, the EU promises to act over Greek debts and tells Greece to make further spending cuts. The austerity plans spark strikes and riots in the streets.
-Concern starts to build about all the heavily indebted countries in Europe - Portugal, Ireland, Greece and Spain
-The eurozone and IMF agree a safety net of 22bn euros to help Greece - but no loans.

                            SPANISH PROTEST AUSTERITY

2010 February - Spain- Thousands of workers demonstrate against government spending cuts and plans to raise the retirement age by two years to 67 - the first mass labour protests since the governing Socialist Workers' Party came to power in 2004. 
-In April, following worsening financial markets and more protests, eurozone countries agree to provide up to 30bn euros in emergency loans.
-Finally, on 2 May, the eurozone members and the IMF agree a 110bn-euro bailout package to rescue Greece.
-The euro continues to fall and other EU member state debt starts to come under scrutiny, starting with the Republic of Ireland.

                              A BAILOUT FOR IRELAND.
-In November, the EU and IMF agree to a bailout pakage for the Irish Republic totalling 85bn euros. The Irish Republic soon passes the toughest budget in the country's history. 
European Union- September - EU Justice Commissioner Viviane Reding urges the European Commission to take legal action against France over its deportations of the Roma, calling it a "disgrace". The threat of legal action is lifted after France pledges to implement a 2004 EU directive on freedom of movement.(BBC).
September-October - Hundreds of thousands turn out in protest against government plans to raise retirement age to 62. 

                             GREECE SLIDING TOWARD BANKRUPTCY. 
Greece- In March, Mr Papandreou continues to insist that no bailout is needed. The euro continues to fall against the dollar and the pound.
-Greek borrowing costs reach yet further record highs. The EU announces that the Greek deficit is even worse than thought.
2010- Denmark- January- Somali charged with attempt on the life of the cartoonist who ridiculed Mohammed.

2010 January -Italy- Pope Benedict calls on Italians to respect the rights of illegal migrants. The call came after a wave of violence against African farm workers in southern Italy which left some 70 people injured. 
2010 Italy- March - Mr Berlusconi's coalition makes strong gains from the centre-left in regional polls. Mr Berlusconi splits with his former political ally, speaker of parliament Gianfranco Fini, who sets up rival centre-right party Future and Freedom for Italy (FLI).  
2010- Germany- March- four Islamist militants convicted of planning to bomb US targets in Germany.
May- public angered by $22 billion bailout plan for Greece.
-Merkel defeated in regional elections, losing majority in upper house.
-President Koehler resigns after controversial remarks about overseas German military missions.
2010 April - Belgium- Government collapses after Flemish liberal Open VLD party quits five-party coalition in row over francophone voting rights in Flemish areas, triggering early parliamentary elections in June. 
2010 April -Austria-  President Fischer is re-elected.
2010 May - Germany's parliament votes to approve a 22.4bn euro German contribution to bail out debt-ridden Greece, prompting widespread public anger.
-German Chancellor Angela Merkel's governing centre-right coalition suffers a defeat in regional elections in North-Rhine Westphalia, losing its majority in the upper house of parliament.

                                    SPANISH UNEMPLOYMENT OVER 20%
2010 May - Spain- Unemployment rate climbs to over 20% for first time in nearly 13 years. Parliament approves 15bn-euro (£13bn) austerity package.
2010- England- May- The Conservatives win elections with David Cameron Prime Minister in fragile coalition government with Nick Clegg's Liberal Democrats.  
2010 June - Belgium- The separatist New Flemish Alliance becomes largest party after federal parliamentary elections; French Socialist Party emerges as the winner in Wallonia. 

 2010 -Italy-July - Government survives confidence vote on austerity package meant to bolster the country's finances.

2010 August -Italy-  Mr Berlusconi's coalition loses majority in lower house of parliament after more than
30 deputies break away from his Party of Freedom and join Mr Fini's FLI.
2010 September - Spain- Basque separatist group Eta declares new ceasefire. Spanish government dismisses the move, saying there can be no political settlement until Eta renounces violence for good and disarms.
2010 October - Austria- Far-right Freedom Party wins 26% of vote in municipal elections in Vienna, putting it in second place to Social Democrats. 
2010 December -Italy-  Mr Berlusconi wins two confidence votes - brought after scandals in his private life and corruption allegations - by slender margin.  
2010 December -Denmark-  Three men are charged with planning to attack the offices of a newspaper which printed cartoons of the Muslim prophet Muhammad. A fourth is released and a fifth is held in Sweden.

 2010- Holland- coalition government collapses in dispute over troops in Afghanistan. June- centre right liberals win majority in parliamentary elections.

Holland- August- government withdraws its 1,900 troops from increasinly unpopular mission in Afghanistan.
Oct- Liberals agree to form a minority government with the Democratic Appeal with help from Geert Wilders' far right Freedom Party.

2010- August- Italy- Belusconi loses most of his centre-right support in lower house after mmbers defect.
2010: Spain: workers demonsrate against spending cuts and plans to raise retirement age
-unemplyoment reaches 20% in May. Palrilament passes auterity package. Sept- government rejects new ETA ceasefire; demands renunsiation of violence.

2010- Belgium- Liberal Open VLD pary quits governing coaltion over Froncophine voting rights causing government to collapse and bbringing iin June elections.

                                 SUCCESS FOR BELGIAN FLEMISH SEPARATIST PARTY.
2010- Belgium-June- Flemish separatist party becomes largest party after elections.French Socialist party winds in Wallonia.
2010- France: March - Ruling UMP suffers heavy losses in regional elections, losing all but one of the 22 regions in France and Corsica.

June - Government announces public sector cuts of 45bn euros to reduce public debt.

July - Prosecutors begin inquiry into allegations that L'Oreal heiress Liliane Bettencourt made illegal donations to Sarkozy's 2007 election bid.

August - France begins removal of illegal Roma (gypsy) camps and deportation of residents to Romania and Bulgaria

November - France concludes military and nuclear agreement with Britain to cooperate in testing nuclear warheads.
2010 October - Holland- After months of coalition talks, Liberal Party and Christian Democratic Appeal agree to form minority government with parliamentary support from Geert Wilders' far-right Freedom Party. 
2010- Nov. Ireland- Unable to pay its debt, Ireland applies for a loan from the European Union

                                            ITALY'S BERLUSCONI TO STAND TRIAL.

2011 February - Italy- A Milan judge orders Mr Berlusconi to stand trial on 6 April for abuse of power and paying for sex with an under-age prostitute.
2011 March - Denmark- Immigration Minister Birthe Roenn Hornbech is sacked after 36 stateless Palestinians were wrongly refused citizenship. 
2011 April - Belgium reaches one year without a government, as deadlock in talks on forming a new coalition continues.
2011 France- April - Face veil ban comes into force


2011 France-  May - French political establishment is shaken by arrest of Dominique Strauss-Kahn, who had been tipped as a strong Socialist candidate for the presidency, in New York on sexual assault charges that were later dropped.
2011 May - Switzerland- In the wake of the crisis at Japan's Fukushima nuclear plant, Switzerland becomes the first country in Europe to announce plans to phase out nuclear power.

2011 June - Holland- Populist politician Geert Wilders is acquitted of all charges in a hate speech trial in Amsterdam. Judges find his comments comparing Islam to Nazism might be offensive but fall within the scope of protected speech.
2011 July - Holland- A court rules the Dutch state responsible for the deaths of three Bosnian Muslims in the 1995 Srebrenica massacre. Dutch trrops were in charge of the UN "safe area" when Bosnian Serb forces overran it in 1995 and killed 8,000 Bosnian Muslim men and boys. The court in The Hague ruled that Dutch troops should not have handed the three men over to Bosnian Serb forces. 
2011 July - Italy- IMF calls on Italy to do more to reduce its public debt - one of the largest in the eurozone - and push through spending cuts.

2011 July - Germany- Chancellor Merkel defends her decision to back second huge bail-out for Greece, insisting that it is Germany's historic duty to protect the euro.
2011 July - Denmark reimposes border controls in bid to curb illegal immigration. Many question the legality of the move under the 1995 Schengen agreement, which abolished internal borders within much of western Europe.
2011- July England- Rupert Murdoch's media empire is rocked by a scandal about phone hacking by a tabloid.

                       ENGLAND: TOTTENHAM RIOTS.

2011- August- England- Bloody riots erupt in London's Afro-Caribbean neighborhood of Tottenham following the government's decision to cut welfare programs.
2011 August - Germany- Provisional figures show that German economic growth slowed almost to a standstill in the second quarter of 2011.
2011 September - Switzerland- The government announces that the Swiss franc is to be pegged to the euro, after Swiss manufacturers warn that the currency's strength is making Swiss exports uncompetitive and risks tipping the country back into recession
2011 September - Belgium- Caretaker prime minister Yves Leterme says he will step down to run for a senior post at the OECD, sparking a fresh crisis in the long-running deadlock over forming a new coalition. Talks to form a new government achieve a breakthrough in reaching agreement on three key sticking points, including the division of power between French and Dutch-speaking communities.
 2011 December - Belgium -French-speaking Socialist leader Elio di Rupo appointed prime minister at the head of a six-party coalition, ending 541 days without a government.
2011 September - Italy- Parliament gives final approval to a 54bn euro (£47bn; $74bn) austerity package. The package contains a pledge to balance the budget by 2013.
2011 September - France Credit rating agency Moody's downgrades the two biggest French banks, Credit Agricole and Societe Generale, because of concerns over their exposure to Greek debt. Credit Agricole later announces a cut of 2,350 jobs worldwide.
2011 October -France-  Francois Hollande chosen as Socialist presidential candidate after a novel primary campaign that attracted more than two million voters.
2011 October - Italy-Prime Minister Berlusconi wins key confidence vote over his handling of the economy.More than 130 members of the public and more than 100 policemen are injured in mass protests in Rome marking a day of global protest against austerity and banking practices.

                                        ITALY: BELUSCONI RESIGNS OVER DEBT.
2011 November - Italy-Amid growing doubts about Italy's debt burden, Mr Berlusconi resigns after his government fails to gain a full majority in the Chamber of Deputies during a budget vote. President Giorgio Napolitano nominates former European Union commissioner Mario Monti to form a government of technocrats.
2011 November -Spain- Opposition conservative Popular Party wins resounding victory in parliamentary election.
2011 December - Belgium- French-speaking Socialist leader Elio di Rupo appointed prime minister at the head of a six-party coalition, ending 541 days without a government.

                                     CONSERVATIVES TAKE POWER IN SPAIN.
2011 December - Spain- New conservative government headed by Mariano Rajoy takes up office. Announces new round of austerity measures to slash public spending by 16.5bn euros ($21.5bn) and nearly halve the public deficit from about 8% of GDP in 2012. 
2011- December- England-26 countries of the European Union, led by Germany, agree on a treaty to enforce fiscal and financial discipline on countries that adopt the euro, leaving Britain out.
2011 December - Italy-Mr Monti's package of austerity measures amounting to 33bn euros (£27bn; $43bn) of spending cuts gains parliamentary approval. The package also includes measures to raise taxes and tackle tax evasion.

                                       FRANCE LOSES TOP CREDIT RATING.
2012 January - France loses its top AAA credit rating from Standard & Poor's along with Spain and Italy. 
2012 January - Italy-Government issues de-regulation decree designed to curb restrictive practices, reduce protectionism and encourage competition. The decree is intended to promote a more meritocratic system and to make it easier for young people to find employment.
-US ratings agency Fitch downgrades Italy's credit rating by two notches to A-.

2012 January - Spain- Unemployment total passes the 5 million mark. This represents a jobless rate of 22.8% - the highest in the eurozone. Almost half of all 16-24 year-olds are out of work. 
2012 March - France French Islamist Mohamed Merah shoots dead seven people, including three Jewish schoolchildren, in Toulouse. He is shot dead in a police siege of his flat. France bans militant Islamist preachers from entering the country, beginning with the Qatari-based Egyptian Yusuf al-Qaradawi.
2012 April - Spain slips back into recession as economy contracts by 0.3% in the first quarter of 2012.

                                  HOLLANDE WINS FRENCH ELECTION. 
2012 May - France- Francois Hollande wins presidential election.

Saturday, April 6, 2013

Pakistan Update, 2013


History never dies. It is reborn every minute of every day.

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This new entry brings Pakistan up to February, 2013.



          Pakistan is essentially defined by the Indus River. From ancient times, the Indus marked the northwest frontier between the Indian subcontinent and western as well as Central Asia. The valley of the Indus would also provide a route of invasion and migration into India for millennia to come. In the third millenium BC, the Aryans invaded from Central Asia. In the fourth and third centuries BC, the Maurya empire of the Indian subcontinent governed the Indus valley and region northwestward as far as Afghanistan. In the early centuries AD, the region of the Indus was invaded and ruled by the Kushans of Central Asia. Thenceforward, southeastward expansion into India from Asia would form the pattern up until British rule in the 19th century. 

            In 711, the Arabs invaded, establishing Islam in the region of Pakistan. Mahmud of Ghazni an Afghan warlord of the Abbasid Caliphate, continued the pattern of conquest from the northwest, conquering Sindh, crossing the Indus and plundering northern India. In the 13th century, the Mongol invasions penetrated the region from the north. In the early16th century, a Central Asian Muslim warlord took the region again. Babur established his rule from central Asia to northern India and founded the empire of the Moghuls which would last until British rule. The late 16th century saw a rare reversal of the pattern in which the Moghul emperor Akbar, from his base in northern India, reconquered Sindh and Afghanistan- establishing enlightened rule and an attempted synthesis of Hinduism and Islam. In the eighteenth century, even as Britain began to colonize India, Persian and Afghan Muslim warlords established brief empires extending south and east across the Indus and into northern, Moghul India. With the British occupation of Sindh, West Punjab, Baluchistan and the Northwest in the late 19th century, the old pattern of conquest from the northwest ended.

PAKISTAN: 1840- 2006.
While India began to fall under British control after 1840, the northwestern or Pakistan region, which centred on the Valley of the Indus River was mostly Muslim and wasn't formally acquired until the late 19th century. Northwest India had been relatively content under the British Raj but it was the Muslims of northern India who fared less well and consequently formed the Muslim League which distinguished itself from the larger and mostly Hindu Indian national Congress. This the Muslims who would in future make up Pakistan, were radicalized. Throughout the 1930s, the Muslim League, led by Mohammed al Jinnah, was increasingly alarmed by the power and size of the Hindu INC.

In 1940, with the Lahore Resolution, the League declared that if the lot of Muslims didn't improve, Indian Muslims would move for secession. When India became independent in 1947, the Muslim League, rather than share an India dominated by the vastly Hindu INC and a Hindu majority, seceded to form the state of Pakistan in the western region of Baluchistan, Punjab and the Northwest Frontier.
Pakistan's Governor General was Mohammed al Jinnah. Two things were highly significant. The first was that Pakistan's raison d'etre was religious; it was formed as a Muslim state. Secondly, Pakistan inherited a British-made Indian constitution which was inadequate to a region which, despite being Muslim was ethnically diverse.

In 1956, Pakistan was finally given a constitution which proclaimed it an Islamic republic. Two years later, the country's short-lived democracy ended when President Ayub Khan took power in a coup d'etat. The tension between democracy and dictatorship would inform all of Pakistan's future history, west-leaning secular groups tending toward democracy while Muslim religious parties, alarmed by the threats of modern secularism, tending toward dictatorship. The idea of an Islamic State, meanwhile, seemed to be the only solution for an ethnically divided country. The result, time and again, was to be a dictatorship, to some degree Islamic. Yet that did little to solve Pakistan's most deep-seated political problem- how do you define Muslim in a society in which no one agrees on the definition of what it is to be Muslim? But Islam, undefined, remained the shibboleth. Never a marginal force, Islamic radicalism was always close to the centre of power, whether in the army, in government or in the official opposition. The pattern of secular and Muslim rivalry increased. The secular, nationalist and populist Ali Bhutto was elected President. In 1977, he was overthrown by the Islamist General Zia Ul Haq for dividing the country on his platform of "Islamic socialism." Though Islam would never find an official definition, attempts at secularized forms of Islam would only feed the electoral power of the religious zealots who wanted to exploit the very practice of democracy brought in by westernized elites, to form a state along the lines of a 7th century Caliphate. Minorities, even Muslim minorities, suffered; the Muslim Ahmadis, for example were designated a non-Muslim Minority. Radical Islam notwithstanding, Bhutto's family was to become a political dynasty and the accepted spearhead of the secular opposition.

      Meanwhile, the ever shifting priorities of US foreign policy arrived at support for the Islamic Mujehadeen of Afghanistan in their resistance to the Soviet invasion of 1979. Ul Haq's Islamist regime received backing by Washington in return for help in arming and training the Afghan rebels. In 1978, Ali Bhutto was executed after being charged with corruption and murder.

His daughter, the Oxford-educated Benazir Bhutto inherited the mantle of leader of the secular opposition and in 1984 founded the PPP or Pakistan People'd Party. She and her husband, Asif Ali Zardan like her father, would endure periods of arrest and exile and repeated charges of corruption by Islamist parties and governments. In 1988, General Zia Ul Haq was killed in plane crash, rumoured to be an assassination. In the same year, Benazir Bhutto was elected Prime Minister. In 1990 she was ousted on charges of corruption. She was succeeded as prime minister by Nawaz Sharif, chief councillor of Punjab province. Sharif took on the President's right to fire the Prime Minister head on. A forceful fiscal conservative, he faced down the president and the judiciary, eventually giving the position of prime minister almost despotic power. (Born in 1949 in Lahore, Sharif was the son of a Punjab indistrialist. He obtained a law degree and in 1981 became Finance minister for Punjab where he singificantly advanced rural development. In 1985, he became Chief minister of Punjab. On March 31 1988, he was made caretaker after President Zia Ul Haq dismissed both houses of parliament.) In 1988, the year Bhutto was elected, Sharif was re-elected in Punjab before running for Prime Minister on a conservative, anti-corruption platform. In 1990 Bhutto was ousted on charges of corruption. After the election of Sharaf as Prime Minister in November 1990, he worked with the private sector to strengthen Pakistan's industry and land reform for the peasants of Sindh. Despite US sanctions, he achieved economic progress. But in April, 1993, he was dismissed by the president. He was reinstated by the judiciary but after corruption allegations he had to resign along with the president in July.

                   In 1993 Benazir Bhutto was re-elected. Meanwhile, the MML, a powerful alliance of religious parties, was expressly formed by the ISI to block the election of any secular party as well as to gather or to fabricate corruption charges against Benazir Bhutto. In 1996, Bhutto was duly dismissed, again on charges of corruption. In 1997, Sharif was re-elected prime minister and used his overwhelming majority to strip the president of his constitutional power to dismiss the Prime minister. Sharif made the the position of Prime Minister all-powerful, indeed unassailable to the point of dissenting from the Chief Justice. As a result, the president resigned and the supreme court justice was removed. In 1998, in response to social unrest, he suspended many civil liberties and set up military courts. Throughout his career he had already had several run-ins with chiefs of the military. In 1998, Sharif appointed General Musharraf to head the army. But Sharif angered the army by resisting pressure to give it political power, pulling it out of confrontation with India in Kashmir at the behest of the United States and dismissing its head, General Pervez Musharraf. In February 1999, Sharif signed the Lahore Declaration to normalize relations with India. Under pressure from US president Clinton, he withdrew the army from confrontation with India in Kashmir. Electricity shortages led him to put the army in charge of water and power but rumours of selling out to the generals led him to fire Musharraff.

              On October 12, 1999, Sharif's government was overthrown by Musharraf in a military coup. Charged with conspiracy, he faced criminal charges when the Saudi kingdom intervened and he was allowed to go to exile in Saudi Arabia. In 1999, Musharraf took power in a bloodless military coup and Sharif went into exile. After Al Qaeda's attacks on the United States on 9/11, Musharraf was coerced into supporting Washington's War on Terror, a campaign which would in fact amount to a war against radical Islam in Pakistan and Afghanistan. The US invaded Afghanistan and overthrew the Taliban obliging Musharraf to take up its fight against the Taliban resistance as well as al Qaeda, which had taken refuge in Pakistan's semi-autonomous tribal agencies. Musharraf, still presiding over an army which was at least in part Islamist and traditionally allied with the religious parties, as well as powerful Islamist elements in the ISI intelligence service, has had to walk a tightrope, on the one hand supporting Washington against the Taliban and al Qaeda and on the other, placating the religious parties and Islamist elements in his own government. In 2002, the ISI helped to form 'the King's party' (PML-Q) or the coalition of relgious parties that won Musharraff his electoral majority that year.        If anything he needed them on side while he fought the Taliban for Washington.

               Marsharraf sent the army into Waziristan after the Taliban in the winter of 2003-2004. They were so badly mauled by the Taliban and its tribal alllies among the Mahsuds and Waziris that two peacve deals were stuck, in 2004 and February 2005, leaving Waziristan and effective Taliban "Emirate". By a September 2006 peace deal, by which the Waziristan Taliban would restrict their operations to Afghanistan and refrain from attacking Pakistani forces , Pakistan withdrew its troops to their bases. In Kashmir, meanwhile, Musharraf has cracked down on Islamist Kashmir separatists and made half-hearted attempts to stop the Afghan Taliban insurgency from hiding out in Pakistan. Faced on the other hand with a strong moderate, secular movement, he was been forced, nevertheless, to turn his attention to the development of a powerful Islamist cell in the Red Mosque, in central Islamabad, right under the nose of his intelligence agencies. bloc which has in turn prevented him from cracking down too hard on the Taliban.



3/27/09 Afghan Supply lines (from Pakistan) at root of Canadian deaths.

2/26/09 The Talban's Ancient Geopolitics.
9/10/08 Zardari elected Prime Minister.
8/18/08 Musharraf not to be praised or mourned.
3/25/08- PPP's Gillani is president of Pakistan.
2/20/08- Musharraf loses parliamentary vote.
12/27/07- Benazir Bhutto assassinated.
11/03/07 -Musharraf declares state of emergency.

PAKISTAN, 2007 UNTIL 2013: In January, 2007, tensions developed around the Islamist Red Mosque. Then, in the spring, mass protests erupted against Musharraf's firing of Pakistan's chief justice, Iftakar Mohammed Choudhury on charges of misusing his post. Choudhury, an activist judge, had often demanded the investigation of the country's intelligence services on the issue of missing persons and other matters involving military rule. It appears the anger about his dismissal was shared both by Islamist and democratic opponents of the government. Meanwhile, weeks of conflict involving Pakistan's Islamist extremists finally culminated in the army's assault on the Red Mosque and the killing of most of its radical defenders which led in turn to counter-attacks by Islamists all around the counrty. To make matters worse for Musharraf, the Supreme Court reinstated Choudhury. With Musharraff weakened by the Choudhury and Red Mosque affairs, Benazir Bhutto, in exile in England, chose the moment to gamble on a return to Pakistan by offering Musharraff a political partnership. As sole viable opposition leader it seemed a wise move. Moreover the return of her old adversary, Nawaz Sharif was nipped in the bud when when Musharraf had him arrested and exiled again at the airport September 8.

                    The future of Pakistan is more likely being played in the Supreme Court than it is on the electoral field. On September 16, the court declared that a civil servant, contrary to former rulings can run for office without a mandatory two years absence from his post- clearing the way for Musharraf to run in elections. He had to abide by a promise to resign his army post upon taking office. He had to honour a pledge for Benazir Bhutto to return to Pakistan on October 17 free of corruption charges in return for having her her PPP party abstain instead of voting against him. Such was the atmosphere in Pakistan that Bhutto, arriving from exile in Britain, narrowly escaped death from a suicide attack on her convoy. On November 3, Musharraf declared a state of emergency allegedly on the grounds of a conspiracy from religious militants, though it was generally believed that he was merely lengthening his rule; and indeed he used the emergency to sack supreme court justices before they made a decision on the legitimacy of his election victory while still in uniform. Many of his political opponents were imprisoned; all political activity was banned; there was a crackdown on the media and Bhutto was placed under temporary house arrest to prevent her from leading a rally against the state of emergency. Musharraf promised elections for the post of Prime Minister on January 8 but most doubted that they would be free and fair. On December 15 he ended the state of emergency and restored the constitution, causing some question as to whether the state of emergency had indeed been imposed because of a threat from militants.

                On December 27, Bhutto, while campaigning in Rawalindi, was assassinated in a suicide bomibing. Nawaz Sharif was the only significant candidate left standing in what appeared to be an opposition vacuum, until the PPP declared Bhutto's 19 year old son her successor at the head of the party with her widowed husband Asif Ali Zardari acting as regent in what seems more than ever to be a dynasty. Sharif, meanwhile, instructed his own party to boycott the January vote. Suspicions that Musharaff, through negligence or conspiracy allowed the assassination to happen, resulted in widespread rioting verging on anarchy. At the beginning of 2008, Musharraf postponed the election from January 8 to February 19 on grounds of bad security. In the run-up to the elections, suicide bombings took dozens of lives. The intention, most likely, was to prevent what was almost certain to be the return of moderate secular and moderate relgious parties to power. Nevertheless, Pakistan had the courage to vote.


Immediately the PPP's Asaf Zadari and opposition PML-N leader Nawaz Sharif consider a coaltion in order to oust President Musharraf. In March, though Sharif is still prevented from running for office by pending charges for hijacking. Yusuf Raza Galani is elected Prime Minister and by August, the agreement by Zardari and Sharif has taken the form of  a plan to impeach Musharraf.  Suprisingly, perhaps, Musharraf resigns and in Septemmber, Zardari is elected president. The army, meanwhile, clears the Swat Valley in Pakistan.

The burden of the new leadership becomes apparent when the Hotel Mariott is bombedi in September, 2008. killing 50, with Islamists claiming responsibility. In December, November's Mumbai massacre is traced by Indian intelligence to a Pakistani terror group with suspicion focusing on Lashkar-e-Taiba and links to elements in Pakistani intellligence.

The Taliban invade the Swat Valley.  In February 2009 and the government obtains a ceasefire, allowing limited Shria law in the area,  Zardari finds himself between Islamists and his American ally as he protests US drone missile striles inside Pakistan in November. His country's fragile relationship with the west is further tested as Pakistan borrows billions from the IMF to fend of its debt crisis.


With the Taliban, meanwhile, in virtual control of Pakistan's northern Swat Valley, the government agrees in February, 2009, to allow the imposition of Sharia law in Swat in exchange for a ceasefire. Pakistan's internatiomnal status falls lower yet in March as a bus carrying the Sri Lankan soccer team is ambushed  in Lahore with several players injured and five police killed. In a rare victory for secularism and democracy, the government is pushed by mass protests into reinstating Supreme Court Justice Choudry and other justices fired by Musharraf. Terror returns to Lahore as insurgents kill 40 at a police academy.

In April the Taliban breaks the Swat Valley ceasefire and annxes more territory as the government launches a military operation to cear Taliban from the region. On July 8th fanaticism rears its head in Punjab as eight Christians are burned alive by Muslim extremists in Gojra in Punjab. 17 insurgents are arrested in the atrocity and realeased without trial.


Meanwhile, fear of war between India and Pakistan remains so great  that Prime Minister Gilani meets Prime Minister Singh of India, in July in Cairo, to plot a strategy to fight terror without regard to political or relgious differences. At  home, later in  July, 2009 Nawaz Sharif is cleared of an old hijacking charge, enabling him to run for office. In the same month, finally, the army clears the Taliban out of Swat Valley. In August, Pakistan sends out an international alert in order to track eleven suspects November's Mumbai massacre. In a move to erase the authoritarian legacy of Musharraf, President Zardari orders the suspension of  supreme court judges Musharraff had apppointed to replace those he had fired.

With the death of Pakistani Taliban leader Baitullah Mehsud in a US drone missile attack at end of summer, a new leader, Hakimullah Mehsud, rises to ereplace him in October.


In one of US president Obama's changes of policy, Secretary of State Hillary Clinton obtains passage of a bill in Congress separating military from civilian aid to Pakistan, making military aid dependant on Pakistan purging Islamist elements from the intelligence services and the military. In the fall, after a wave of terror attacks kills 170 across Pakistan, the army, also acting under US pressure, begins a 30,000 man offensive to destroy Hakimullah's Taliban insurgency at its home base in South Waziristan. But just as Secretary of State Clinton arrives for a visit in Pakistan, nearly 100 are killed in a terrorist bombing in a Peshawar market.

Ethnic massacres continue into 2010 ,with 43 Shia murdered in a mosque in December, 2009 and over 200 Baluchis killed by Baluch separatists in the first six months of  2010. Meanwhile President Zidari brings in measures of long-needed reform, reducing the power of the presidency, reforming the judiciary and providing autonomy to the provinces.

The Islamist war on the West without, and on Muslim minorities within continues as the Pakistan Taliban extends his reach to New York City before a car bomb is discovered in Times Square and its operative sent to jail. The Pakistani Taliban outfit, Tehrik-e-Taliban, (TTP) claims responsibility. Attacks on Pakistan minorities by radical Islamists continue with 90 Ahamadis killed in Lahore in May. Islamists launch an attack on a Karachi courthouse freeing rebel fighters arrested in December, 2009.


Deadly flooding in much of the country in August and September, 2010, exposes the inefficiency of the government in extending supplies and rescue, leaving open a large space for teams of Islamist militants to gain adherents by providing emergency help and quick relief. More insurgent bombings and attacks on the Shia appear to be attempts to exploit the chaos caused by the flooding.

Citing the danger to it civilian population by American drone strikes, Pakistan closes NATO supply routes in September. Sensing the country's continued disorder, former president Musharraf plans an electoral comeback from exile in London. Meanwhile, proponents of reform to Pakistan's draconian blasphemy law are murdered by Islamic fundamentalists.


The May 2, 2011 killing of Osama Bib Laden in Abottabad, inside Pakistan by US Special Forces ans without Pakistan's knowledge, causes as much embarrassment as outrage among the Pakistani military, further straining an already strained relationship between the two countries. Things get worse when US warplanes accidentally kill 25 Pakistani soldiers. Once again Pakistan shuts down NATO supply routes to Afghanistan. In Dcember the crisis continues with outcry over leaked memos showing that the government had asked for US aid against an army coup d'etat  in response to US trespass in the killing of Bin Laden.

In January, 2012, The army is in uproar over Prime Minister Gilani's firing of a defence official. Divisions deepen as the Supreme Court threatens Prime Minister Gilani for attempting to block an investigation of President Zardari on corruption charges. Pakistan lays charges of treason against a doctor who worked for the CIA in the tracking and killing of Bin Laden; in retalation, the  withdraws $33 million in anid.

Prime Minister Gilani is finally removed from office by the Supreme Court for attempting to block the investigation of President Zardari for corruption. Pakistan finally reopens NATO supply routes after the United States apologizes for the accidental killing of Pakistani troops y US fighter jets.  


In fall, 2012, a Christian girl in Islamabad is accused of blasphemy for displaying burnt pages of the Koran, causing widespread fear and the exodus of local Christians. The case is dropped after it's discovered that the evidence was planted. An even more notorious attack by Islamist occurred when a 14 year old cool girl Mahala Yusufsai survived being shot in the head by a gunman for protesting the closing of schools for girls by the Taliban. Meanwhile, former cricket star Imran Khan launches his own political offensive by leading a protest against US drone missile strikes.


November witnesses numerous casualties from Taliban attacks on Shia Muslims in Rawalpindi. Quetta and Karachi while celebrating their holy month of Muharram. The terror group Lashkar-e-Jhangvi is believed to be responsible.  The bloodshed carries over into January, 2013, when more Shia are murdered in Balushistan by Sunni extremists. The gvernment sacks the Balushistan minister but  Balushi demonstrations demand the resignation of the government itself. The carnage continues in Februrary as as scores of Shia are murdered by the same group.

Meanwhile in February, 2013, British Prime Minister David Cameron helps broker future talks between President Zardari and Afghan president Karzai for a peace plan for Afghanistan. In Quetta, 89 Shia are killed in a bomb attack for which Lashkar-e-Jhangy claims responsibility. 


-the region west of India encompassing what is now Baluchistan, the Northwest Frontier, West Punjab and Sindh.

3000-1750 BC- the highly developed civilization of Mohenjo-Daro on the Indus River.

1500 –600 BC- migration of Indo-Aryan peoples into western and northern India. Vedic religion develops.

540-512- Persian conquests of northwest India.

327- Alexander the Great takes parts of northwest India.

The Mauryas

321-185 BC- the Mauryan empire- the subcontinent’s first state system which stretches from Afghanistan to southern India.

303 BC- the Greek successor to Alexander, Seleucus is expelled from northwest India and Afghanistan as Changragupta Maurya extends an empire of the central Ganges up to Kabul, Herat and Kandahar.

269-232 BC- 3rd Mauryan ruler, Ashoka, establishes Buddhism in the region.

The Kushans

1-200 AD- the Central Asian Kushan empire rules from north India to Afghanistan to Central Asia.

-the Kushans, caught between pressure from the Hsiang-Nu Chinese in the east and Persia in the west, invade Afghanistan and Sind before conquering part of northern India. The route southeast from central Asia to the Gangetic plain of northern India will be used for repeated invasions, the invaders always coming from the Afghan region and the north.

140 AD- Under Kanishka, the Kushan Empire extends into northern India. Afghanistan is divided between the Kushan Empire on the North and the Parthian empire to the south.

67 AD- the Kushan people, having prevailed from among the Yue Chi, form in force on the northern edges of Afghanistan and displace the Suren dynasty from northern India.

230 AD- the Kushan Empire dissolves into principlalities which rule until 400.


650 (circa) the Pratihara kingdom stops the Arabs of Sindh from overrunning Rajasthan.

711- Muslim Arabs conquer the Indus valley.

800- Western Afghanistan is the Khorasan region of the Abbasid Empire. Eastern Afghanistan, including Kabul and Kandahar is in the non-Islamic tribal region of the Indus. There is already a circular trade route anticipating the modern ring road from Kandahar to Kabul in the east to Balkh in the north and to Herat in the west.

1020- Mahmud of Ghazni (971-1030), an East Afghanistan Turkic warlord and mercenary for the Abbasid Muslims, is granted autonomy, as 'Sultan' to form his own dynasty.

1000-1027- in 17 raids, Mahmoud of Ghazni conquers a brigand's empire stretching from Kurdistan through Sindh to the Indus. Mahmoud's campaigns are against the Shia Fatimids and non-Muslims like Buddhists and Hindu India. Has a reputation as a bloodthirsty tyrant.

1173-1206- Muhammad of Ghur, another Turkic warlord from Central Asia, also takes Sindh, crosses the Indus, conquering all of northern India and establishing a capital at Delhi which is to remain the capital of Muslim India. His sultanate will last until the arrival of the Moghuls in 1526.

1221- Gengis Khan and the Mongols penetrate the Punjab region.

1296-1306- a subsequent Mongol invasion of northern India is repelled by the sultans of Delhi.

1300- the Valley of the Indis is ruled by the Delhi Sultanate.

1346-1564- Vijayanagar: the last Hindu resistance to Muslim rule.

1398- the central Asian Warlord, Tamerlane, takes Sindh, crosses the Indus and sacks Delhi.

The Moghuls.

1483- the Muslim conqueror Babur fails to establish a kingdom in his native Uzbekistan and instead takes Herat and Kandahar, making them the centre of his future empire.

1545- Kabul is annexed as a Moghul military and administrative area.

1526-761- the region was ruled by the Moghul Emperors.

1526- Babur, the first Moghul, invades India, takes the Gangetic plain and founds the Moghul Empire in India.. A Central Asian warlord, his Moghul empire includes Afghanistan and India.

1540-1545- Babur’s son Humayun loses control to the Afghan chieftan Sher Shah.

1546- battle of Panipat: Humayun’s son Akbar the Great recovers the area from the Afghans, extending it to Deccan.

1542-1605- in a rare reversal of the pattern of invasion, Akbar reasserts control over northern India and crosses the Indus to conquer Sindh and Afghanistan. Liberal and enlightened, he establishes tolerance and attempts to form a synthethis of Hinduism and Islam called the Divine Faith.

1585- the Sikhs are autonomous in the region of Lahore, Pakistan.

1658-1707- the Mogul emperor Aurangzeb pushes the boundaries of the empire southward.

The Marathas- coastal Western India.

1659- Shivaji (1627-1680) gathers local hill-dwellers of Bijapur against the Moghuls. The Moghuls send a force against him but he defeats them.

1660s- Shivaji gains power- his locality growing as a “robber state” by extracting protection money.

1674-1680- Shivaji makes himself Raja of Maratha kingdom in west India as the Moghul empire declines.

-the Emperor Aurangzeb’s defence of the Muslims at the expense of the Hindus leads to war with the Marathas.

The British

1700-1800- the British consolidate their trading power in India through the East India company, taking advantage of the weakened Moghul emperor, Aurangzeb, and make India a British colony.

Nadir Shah

1738- Nadir Shah of Persia invades Afghanistan and northern India, his empire lasting only until his assassination in 1747.

Ahmad Shah

1747- Ahmad Shah (of the Saddozai family, Abdali clan) commander of Nadir's body guard, takes the name Durrani, meaning 'Pearl of the Age' and establishes the Durrani dynasty of Afghanistan, unites varied tribes in southern Afghanistan around their common link: the Pashtun language. He invades the Gangetic plain of India conquering and weakening the last Moghul emperor Aurangzeb. The modern Afghan nation begins to take shape. His empire extends from near the Caspian Sea to India.

-1750- under British and Afghan pressure, the Moghul empire shrinks to an area around Delhi.

-in west, coastal India, the Maratha empire becomes a confederacy of leading local families: Bhonsle, Gaekwad, Holkar and Sindia) under hereditary ministers (Peshwas).

-the Peshwa of Maratha asks for British intervention to settle an internal dispute.

1761- Ahmad Shah defeats the Marathas of India at Panipat

1775-82- first British-Maratha war.

1803-1805- second British-Maratha war.

1818- the Marathas destroyed in a third war with the British.

British Acquire Sindh, Punjab.

-1840s- the region fell under British rule.

1849- -the British atke over the Frontier region from the Sikhs. the Deputy Commissioner, Dera Ismail Khan (NWFP)and Bannu controls all political matters in Waziristan- even though the tribes of neighbouring North Waziristan are under the sovereignty of the Kabul government.

-in Waziristan on the border with Afghanistan, two Pashtun tribes, the Waziris and the Mahsuds use the mountainous region to resist British rule.

1860- 3000 Mahsud tribesmen attack a British regiment base in Tank (present South Waziristan).

1876- Baluchistan becomes a British protectorate.

-birth of Mohammed Jinnah.

1890- the British acquire west Punjab.

1893- the British acquire northern Balushistan.

1893-November , the Emir of Afghanistan signs a treaty renouncing all claims to Waziristan and the North West Frontier territories.

1893- the Durand line forms the limit of British territorial expansion into the Pashtun territories of Afghanistan. The Pashtun region, which had once defined Afghanistan, is split by the new boundary with Afghanistan. Western Pakistan is ceded to British India.

The Durand Line cuts through both Baloch and Pashtun tribes.

1894-95- Extensive British military operations against tribal insurgents in Waziristan.

1904- large scale disturbances in SouthWaziristan resulting murder of the Political Agent and Militia Commandant at Sarwakai

1906- founder of Pakistan, Mohammed Jinnah, joins the Indian National Congress.

1910- North Waziristan is made by the British into a full fledged agency

- the Durand line allows for the border territory of Waziristan to be autonomous, outside of effective British rule. Instead, the British ruled by paying subsidies to tribal chieftains.

-otherwise, the Pakistan region remains generally loyal to the British Raj; its inhabits fare relatively well under the British Raj and are well represented in the army and in government.

-but in northern India, where Muslims fare less well, the Muslim League is formed. Its leader, Jinnah, demands greater rights for Indian Muslims.

1913- in India, Mohammed Jinnah joins the Muslim League.

1915- because of the stresses of World War I, the Brtish make a peace deal in Waziristan. But instead, Waziri tribes attack, inflicting heavy losses on the British. The British retalliate with aerial ombardment.

1919- British road building and fortification i Waziristan only results in more bloody tribal attacks.

1919- the Third Afghan War. Pashtun tribes under Afghan warlord Ananullah, on both sides of the Durand line, defeat the British. The British concede nationhood to Afghanistan by the Treaty of Kabul. Ananullah attempts westernizing reforms.

The Hindu Indian National Congress vs. the Muslim League.

1930s- Ghandi’s vastly Hindu Indian National Congress, makes it more urgent for the Muslims in the north to form some sort of defensive association.

-as Muslims become marginalized, Mohammed Jinnah steps up the rhetoric of the Muslim League.

1931- seeing little hope in the face of the INC, Jinnah resigns.

1935- Jinnah returns to the Muslim League under popular pressure and reorganizes it along nationalist lines.

1935- the Government of India Act is established and will become Pakistan’s constitution in 1947.

1937- the Muslim league fares badly in Indian elections.

1940, March 23- The Pakistan or Lahore Resolution- Muslims declare that if their lot doesn’t improve, they’ll move toward creating a separate homeland. This is especially popular in the Muslim majority states of the northwest.

1945-1946- the Muslim league makes a powerful showing in provincial elections in India.

-Lord Mountbatten urges the secession of Pakistan.

Indian Independence, Formation of Pakistan.

1947- India becomes independent.

1947- Britain agrees to the formation of an independent Pakistan, separate from India.

-on partition of the sub-continent , the tribal leaders of Waziristan agreed to be a part of Pakistan, but with special terms and conditions.

-Shia businessmen like Raja Mamoundabad of Lukcnow help to finance the creation of Pakistan.

15 August- Pakistan becomes independent, comprising Sindh, Punjab and North-West Frontier with the Durand line remaining as the border between the two nations. The border still cuts through the region of the Pashtun people- despite Afghan claims on the entire Pashtun region, which includes much of the Baluchistan region of western Pakistan. Before departing the British had drawn the frontier between west Pakistan and India in haste, forcing bordering principlalities to join either India or Pakistan.

-As Governor General, Mohammed Jinnah, an Ismaili and Shia Twelver is Pakistan’s first head of state.

-East Pakistan formerly East Bengal, 1000 miles distant, is included in the new Pakistan.

-an exodus of about 5 million Sikhs and Hindus from West Pakistan into India.

1947- after much bloodshed, the western region separates from India to from the independent Muslim state of West Pakistan, and, on the other side of India in East Bengal, of East Pakistan.

-tension develops between populous East Pakistan and the dominance of West Pakistan which has the vast majority of educated government personnel

-North West Pakistan remains restive because of a history of devout Islam and relative autonomy under the British, while Pnjab has a history of close participation in the British administration.

-the new nation is founded as a Muslim nation, accepting all sects, Sunni, Shia, Ismaili and others.

-unable to find a constituion to govern its discordant entities, Pakistan will be governed by the Government of India act until 1956.

-August 14, 1947- death of Mohammed Jinnah, founder of Pakistan.

Pakistan-Afghan Tensions

-Afghan king Zahir Shah claims the Pathan (western Pashtun) state from Pakistan. Meanwhile, he extracts support from both the US and the Soviet Union

--the Waziristan tribes, led by the Faqir of Ipi, receive arms from Afghanistan which agitates for a fully independent Pashtunistan of all pashtun borderlands, including Waziristan.

-but Waziristan frnally becomes part of Pakistan with Pakistani independence. Pakistan still rules Waziristan as the British did, with subsidied paid to tribal chieftains.

1948 -Afghanistan opposes formation of Pakistan, refusing to accept the Durand line- starting rivalry between them.

-Pakistan moves thousands of Pashtuns into the border area as a bulwark between Baluchis and Afghanistan


1948-the Raja of Kashmir, Hari Singh, a Hindu, finds himself ruling an area with a Muslim majority. After a Pakistan-supported Muslim uprising in west Kashmir, India offers help, provided that Kashmir then becomes part of India. Pakistan, angey that it wasn;t consulted, supports the Muslim insurgents.

1949- the UN brokers a caesefire in Pakistan’s skirmish with India over Jammu and Kashmir. A planned UN-sponsored pleiscite over the fate of the area is never held.

1949- Cease-fire Line of Control (LOC) drawn between Kashmir and Pakistan

1950- Ayub Khan appointed first chief of the Pakistan military.

1956- Mar 23- Pakistan, heretofore governed by the Government of India Act, is proclaimed an Islamic republic and gets its own constitution.

1958- Oct 7- President Iskander Mirza annuls the constitution and declares martial law, turning powers over to army chief Ayub Khan.

Ayub Khan

1958- Ayub Khan, frustrated by the democratic process, takes power in a coup d’etat, abolishing Pakistan’s newfound constitution and democracy.

1958- Zulfikar Ali Bhutto joins cabinet as minister of commerce.

1962- Ayub Khan brings in a new constitution enacting "basic democracy" or local democracy while abolishing democracy at the national level.

1963- Ali Bhutto becomes foreign minister.

1965- war breaks out as India occupies Muslim Kashmir. Russia’s Kosygin brokers a caese-fire.

1967- after expulsion from cabinet, Ali Bhutto founds his own secular democratic party.

1969- Ayub Khan resigns due to economic difficulties.

1970- democratic elections. Yahya Khan is president.

Civil War with East Pakistan

1971- When East Pakistan’s Awammi league wins the elections, West Pakistan, under Yahya Khan refuses to recognize the result. East Pakistan breaks away from West Pakistan in a civil war and becomes independent as Bangladesh.

-the civil war embraces Kashmir. India intervenes on behalf of Mujibur Rahman and the Awami League.

-fighting breaks out on the western India-Pakistan frontier.

Ali Bhutto

-Zulfikar Ali Bhutto (a Shiite) elected president- begins in a populist, socialist regime. He brings in nationalization and financial independence from the US.

-Bhutto's rule is a high point for Shia hopes in Pakistan and of inclusive Muslim nationalism. Sunni chauvinism begins to take control under Zia Ul Haq.

1972- India prevails in an uneasy peace. Cease-fire line between Kashmir and Pakistan (Line of Control) reasserted. Under the Simla agreement both sides agree to settle future disputes by negotiation.

1973- due to the OPEC oil crisis, Pakistan is thrown into economic turmoil.

1974- India tests its first nuclear bomb.

General Zia Ul Haq overthrows the Bhuttos

1977- right wing and Islamist opposition to Bhutto leads to a military coup by General Zia Ul-Haq.

1977-1984 after returning from her education at Oxford, Benazir Bhutto, daughter of Ali Bhutto is sentenced to house arrest.

1978-1988 Zia Ul Haq becomes president, imposes martial law, prohibits political activity and introduces Sharia.

1978- Prime Minister Ali Bhutto is arrested by Zia Ul Haq's regime on charges of corruption and murder.

July 5- Bhutto is released.

July 29- Bhutto begins campaigning for his return to power.

Sept 3- Bhutto is re-arrested and freed on bail September 13.

Sept 17- Bhutto is imprisoned.

Oct 24.- Bhutto is tried for vote rigging, corruption and the murder of a political opponent.

1979- April 4- after being sentenced to death, Bhutto is hanged.

-Shia minority, inspired by the Iranian revolution, begins to demand an end to discrimination by the Sunni majority.Backed by the Ayatollah Khomeini, thousands of Shia march on Islamabad to demand exemption from Isalmic taxes determined by the Sunni letal code. Fearing repercussions from Iran, the government gives in.

On behalf of U.S., Pakistan backs the Afghan Mujehadeen against the Soviets.

1979- Zia ul Haq repairs US relations by backing the US- supported Afghan Muhehadeen against the Soviet invasion. US support leads to high economic growth throughout the 1980s.

-Pakistan takes on 3 million Afghan refugees.

-Shia activists abandon Arab nationalism and communism in favour of Shia activism, and from the Shia political group, Tahrik-e Jafaria.

1984- Benazir Bhutto exiled to England with her mother. Benazir takes leadership of the PPP, the Pakistan People’s Party.

-the US arms Pakistan to back the Afghan Mujehadeen against the Soviet Union. This escalates the arms race between India and Pakistan.

-Quetta, Baluchstan becomes a base for Afghan Mujehadeen fighting the Societs.

-Sunni radical madrassas of Pakistan supported by Saudi Arabia, that began in the 1980s- are seen as a bulwark against Iran. They in turn give rise to the Taliban. So the Taliban arise from the confrontnation of Saudi Arabia with Iran.

-in south Asia, Shia are assertive- so India and Pakistan (largest Shia pop at 30 million, after Iran) become the battleground of Saudi-Iranian rivalry in the 80s and 90s.

-India and Pakistan have both acquired nuclear weapons.

1986- the South Asian Association for Regional Cooperation is established and relieves tension between the two nuclear powers.

Return of Benazir Bhutto

1986- Benazir Bhutto returns to Pakistan and campaigns for fair elections. She marries in 1987.

1980s-1990s- Islamist groupb Lashkar-e-Toiba first fights Soviets in Afghanistan then switches to Kashmir

1988- President Zia Ul-Haq killed at Dhaka in a plane crash.

-Ul Haq’s successor, President Ishaq Khan brings back democracy.

Benazir Bhutto Prime Minister.

1988- Aslam Beg of the Inter Services Intelligence Agency (ISI) forms a coalition of religious parties (the IJI) against Bhutto. When the relgious coaltion loses, the ISI throws its support behind her rival, Nawaz Sharif, then Chief Minister of Punjab.

1988- Benazir Bhutto elected Prime Minister. She takes Pakistan back into the Commonwealth.

-in the extreme northern Pakistan Shia community of the Hunza valley, Sunni militants mount a raid, killing 150 Shia. Afterward, the Sunnis are allowed to build a mosque in the area.

1990- constant challenges from a conservatrive presidency leads to the dismissal of Benzir’s Bhutto’s government. She is charged with corruption charges in an offensice believed to be backed by the ISI. Her husband is also placed under arrest for corruption.

Bhutto Ousted.

1990- ISI brokers another coalition against Bhutto and raises large amounts of money to back Sharif gainst Bhutto

-Nawaz Sharif succeeds Benazir Bhutto as prime minister in an election believed to have been rigged with the assistance of the ISI.

1991- unrest in Sindh. Meanwhile Benazir Bhutto goes on an international lecture tour

1990s- internal instability due to constant charges of political corruption.

Bhutto re-elected.

1993- Benazir Bhutto leads opposition to Nawaz Sharif,

-Bhutto elected prime minister of a coalition government. Her regime is plagued by crime, the drugs trade, separatist unrest in Balushistan and Sindh and tribal unrest in the north west frontier.

- after her election, Bhutto is forced to relinquish all decision-making on nuclear matters to the army, in return for its support.

-Bhutto goes on to purge much of the military general staff of ISI supporters. As a result the military chief, Aslan Beg, (a loyalist of the one-time Zia Ul Haw distatorship) gets her excluded from all military decision-making.

-Harkat ul Ansar for Kahsmir Liberation, founded with the help, arms and training of the ISI-. It is a fusion of two Afhgan Jihadist groups Harkat ul Jihad al-Islami and Harkat ul Mujahideen. The leader of harkat ul Absar si Amjad Farooqi.

-the British-made Durand line lapses after 100 years.. Tribal leaders don’t recognize it. It is said to be "marked out on water'. Pakistan wants Kabul to accept the line. Kabul is reluctant to lose its claim to "south Pashtunistan." (Balushistan)

1994- the Taliban, bolstered and supported (and some say, founded) by Pakistan’s Inter Services Intelligence Agency (ISI) in Quetta, Pakistan,- crosses into Afghanistan and takes Kandahar .

-the Taliban refuse to accept the Durand line that determines the border with Pakistan.

-Iranian support for Shia activism petres out.

Bhutto Dismissed.

-1995- Bhutto encourages the formation of the Taliban, seeing it as a friendly Muslim party that will link Pakistan to trade with Central Asia.

1996- Benazir Bhutto’s government is dismissed by President Leghari on new charges of corruption and mismanagement.

1997- Feb. Benazir Bhutto is defeated in elections. She is succeeded by Nawaz Sharif and becomes leader of the opposition.

-Sharif removes a constitutional amendment which gives the president the power to dismiss the prime minister.

1998- Sharif resists pressure from the army to allow the generals a say in government.

Oct. 1- Sharif brings in Islamic law.

1999- Benazir Bhutto removed as a member of parliament and along with her husband is tried, fined and sentenced for corruption.

-Benazir Bhutto chooses self-imposed exile in Dubai.

1999- Prime Minister Nawaz Sharif, though democratically elected, puts water and power under the control of the army.

-Sharif begins to establish Islamic law throughout the country, despite widespread protest.

-Sharif withdraws the army from Kashmir and dismisses its head, General Musharraf, angering the army.

-Musharraf dismisses Sharif. Sharif agrees to go into exile rather than face criminal charges.

General Musharraf seizes power.

-General Musharraf takes power in a military coup. Musharraf suspends the constitution, asserts control over the judiciary and parliament.

The Lahore Declaration and Renwed Problems in Kashmir.

1999-Lahore Declaration. India and Pakistan swear to settle differences by negotiation.

1999- 600 Islamic militia from Pakistan occupy Indian Kashmir, provoking retaliatory air strikes from India.

2001-   Sept-- 9/11 Al Qaeda attacks on New York-: President Musharaff Sides with Washington against Taliban-ruled Afghanistan, under severe pressure from Assistant Secretary of State Armitage. This, however, gains Pakistan badly needed international loans.

-India and Pakistan mass troops along the LOC as tensions build again in Kashmir.

-to placate angry Islamists, Musharraf takes a softer policy on Kashmir.

-PPP member Raza Gillani convicted by Musharraf's anti-corruption court of making illegal government appointments. He serves five years in jail. The PPP claims the prosecution was aimed at forcing PPP members to join the Musharraf government

-Dec 13, - attack on Indian parliament carried out by Pakistan-based militant groups, Jaish e Mohammed and Lashkar-e-Toiba

2002- after the US invasion of Afghanistan, the Taliban are pushed into the border tribal areas of Baluchistan.

-Pakistan begins a troop build-up along the border with Afhganistan.

-Pakistan's Inter Services Intelligence Agency (ISI) helps to form the the King's Party a coalition of Pakistan Muslim parties to back his election as president. The MMA, a large alliance of religious parties, the King's Party and Bhutto's PPP are the largest parties in parliament.

-many believe the MMA was patched together by the ISI to support Musharraf.

-the MMA forms an alliance with the 'King;s party' to back Musharraf in the elections.

Musharraf Consolidates Power, extends Dictatorship,

-Musharraf wins presidential elections. He gains 5 more years in office in a referendum criticized as unconstitutional and biased. He awards himself sweeping new powers.-2002- Musharraf election.

-after Musharraf is elected, an amenndment known as the 'legal framework order' gives him a five year term plus the power over many civil institutions and the power to dismiss national and state assemblies. The MMA is indispensable in getting the 'Legal Framework Order' passed into law. The parliament becomes Musharraf's instrument.

-Musharraf bans the Islamist groups Lashkar-e-Toiba and Jaish-e-Mohammad.

-Parliamentary elections result in a deadlock with increased power for the religious parties.

-Pakistan tests missiles that have nuclear capability.

Daniel Pearl.

-Wall Street Journal reporter Daniel Pearl is murdered in Karachi by decapitation while investigating local links to the 9/ll attack. His killer , Ahmed Omar Saeed Sheikh of the

Jaish e Mohammed Islamist group is later arrested and executed.

The Islamist Threat and the ISI

2003- the Northwest Frontier Province votes for Sharia law.

-when Misharraf considers cracking down on the Taliban, his main supporter, the MMA sponsors mass demonstrations and thretens to withdraw its support

-Washington asks the ISI to hand over al Qaeda militants, but the ISI only hands over foreign Al Qaeda foot soldiers.

-ceasefire between India and Pakistan in Kashmir.

-Dec. attempt on Musharraf’s life as his motorcade is bombed.

-Shia-Sunni tensions increase with the US invasion of Iraq.

-2003-2004- winter. The Pakistan army launches assaults against the Taliban and al Qaeda in Waziristan.

2004- nuclear scientist Abdul Qadeer Khan admits to having leaked nuclear secrets to North Korea. He is placed under house arrest to placate Washington.

-Sunni-Shia violence in Karachi.

-March and June offensives against al Qaeda in the Afghan border area.

-Musharraf extends his term as head of the army.

- assassination attempt on Pakistan Prime Minister Shaukat Aziz.

-afer Islamist leader Amjad Farooqi is killed in shoot out with police in Karachi, Matiur Rehman takes his place.

-Matiur Rehman -alleged to have been involved in bombing of the Sheraton Hotel in Karachi.

2004-2005- due to losses in the Waziristan offensive against the Taliban and al Qaeda, Pakistan makes various peace deals with local Taliban-supporting tribes. The Taliba effectively control Waziristan.

-Dec. 2005- Abu faraj al-Libbi- al Queada leader No. 3- involved in an attempt on Musharraff at Rawalpindi. Libbi is arrested in Mardan. Matiur Rehman is wanted in connection ith the same plot.

-July 2005- Rehman invovled in another plot on Musharraf- disrupted by police.

2005- Baluchistan tribal militants bomb natural gas plant, forcing its closure.

-after July transit bombings in London, 200 militants from radical madrasas and elsewhere are detained in Pakistan

-an earthquake kills tens of thousands in Muzaffarabad.

2006- Pakistani civilians killed in a US missile strike near the Pakistan border in Waziristan.

15-17 Feb.- Afghan President Karzai visits Musharaff to ask him to stop Taliban infiltration from Pakistan. Karzai identifies Afghan commaders in Quetta among other areas of Pakistan. Musharraf says Afghan intelligence is unreliable and complains to Karzai about weapons smuggling into Bluchistan.

-Feb-March- Sunni-Shia violence in Karachi.

-March- attack on the US consulate kills State Dept FSO David Foy . Matiur Rehman is a leading suspect in planning the attack. Jundullah, reportedly led by Rahaman, may have been involved.

mid-July- Pakistani gov't orders crackdown on Taliban: police arrest more than 200 Afghans in Baluchistan- allegedly many were not Taliban.

The London Airline Terror PLot.

-Aug. 2- Pakistani security arrests Rashid Rauf in attempted London airline bombings. Still at large, his superior, Matiur Rehman worked as deputy for Amjad Farooqi’s Harkat ul Ansar- for Kahsmir Liberation

-Pakistan's SSG discovers through the arrest of Rashid Rauf that Lakshar –e- Toiba is linked to a terror group in the UK. Lashkar-e-Toyaba is also blamed for the Mumbai train bombings in July.

-many of the 9 London airline plot suspects arrested in Pakistan are 'facilitators' linked to Jiash e Mohammed and Lashkar e Toiba which provide safe houses and funds.

-Sept- Pakistan signs a treaty in Waziristan with the Taliban, promising that the army will withdraw to its bases, provided that the Taliban restrict their attacks to Afghanistan.

-Oct. -many of the British Pakistanis later suspected in the August 2006 attempted airline bombings in London travelled to Muzaffarabad as humanitarian earthquake relief in Jamiat ud Dawa, whose umbrella organization is Lashakr e Toiba. Membrs of the al Qaeda-linked Jundullah, a Pakistani terror group took them to training camps in Waziristan before returning to relief camps.

Oct. -raid on a seminary in Bajaur in the border tribal agencies, kills up to 80. Anti-government protests follow.

-Oct. -many of the British Pakistanis later suspected in the August 2006 attempted airline bombings in London travelled to Muzaffarabad as humanitarian earthquake relief in Jamiat ud Dawa, whose umbrella organization is Lashakr e Toiba. Membrs of the al Qaeda-linked Jundullah, a Pakistani terror group took them to training camps in Waziristan before returning to relief camps.

2007- Pakistan rejects US claims that al Qaeda members are hiding in Pakistan.

-January- tensions increase around the radical Red Mosque in Islamabad.

-Feb-April- local tribes in Waziristan turn against foegin Taliban fighters for criminal activities and disrupting public order.

2007- Bombing of Mariott Hotel.

-Feb- the Mariott hotel in Islamabad is bombed.

-the New-Dehhi, India-Lahore Pakistan train is bombed, killing 68, mostly Pakistanis.

2007- Musharraf Dismisses Chief Justice Chaudhoury

-9 March-mass protests follow Musharraff’s suspension of Pakistan’s Chief Justice Iftakar Mohammed Choudhury for abuse of power.

-March-April- 250 killed in clashes between South Waziristan tribesmen and al Qaeda militants.

April- protests increase against the dismissal of Justice Chouhury.

-12 May- several killed in rival demonstrations in Karachi over the dismissal of Justice Choudhury.

2007 The Red Mosque

-June- followers of Islamabad’s Red Mosque Islamist leader al-Ghazi attempt to impose Sharia law on the city.

-11 July- after a week-long stand off, security forces storm and seize the Red Mosque, killing over 80 militants.

-in the wake of the assault on the red Mosque, Waziristan and Pakistan erupt in revenge suicide and bomb attacks. In response to the violence and to US threats to pursue the Taliban inside Pakistan, Musharraf resume the military campaign inside Waziristan.

-20 July- the Supreme Court reinstates Justice Choudhury

-9 August- Musharraf decides against emergency rule.

2007- The Return of Benazir Bhutto and Nawaz Sharif.

-23 Aug. the Supreme Court decides exiled oppostion leader Nawaz Sharif can return to Pakistan.

Sept. 8- General Musharraf has Sharif arrested upon his return to Pakistan. Sharif is exiled again to Saudi Arabia- in defiance of the Supreme Court's August ruling.

-14 September- Bhutto says she will return from exile in London in mid-October.

-16 September- Pakistan's electoral commission amends a clause stating that a government servant cannot run for office without first being retired from their position for two years. A public servant can now run without leaving office. The amended clause would allow President Musharraf to run again for president. Musharraf's term as president expires November 15.

-18 September- presidential lawyers say that Musharraf will step down as army chief only if he is elected president.

-Oct. 5-in a deal with Musharraf opposition PPP leader Benazir Bhutto agrees to abstain rather than to boycott the Pakistan election if the charges against her are dropped before she returns from exile in London.

2007- Musharrraf Elected President.

-Oct. 6- Musharraf sweeps the elections.

-almost 200 are killed in fighting in North Waziristan as government forces fight Taliban and Taliban and al-Qaeda-aligned Islamist groups.

2007- Assassination Attempt on Bhutto Upon her Return.

-Oct. 12- 2 suicide bombs directed at Bhutto's convoy from airport, kill donzens, upon her return from British exile.

2007- Musharraf Declares State of Emergency.

-November- Musharraf declares emergency rule claiming Islamist threats to the government. Opponents charge him with attempting to lengthen his dictatorship as he uses the emergency to sack the Supreme Court on the eve of its decision about the legitimacy of his election as president while still chief of the army.

-Bhutto placed under house arrest as she plans a march against emergency rule.

-Musharraff says he will work with Bhuttto.

-Musharraf brings in a caretaker government.

-the chief election commissioner determines that elections for Prime Minister will be held on January 8, 2008.

-the election commission ratifies Musharraf's second five-year term in office.

-Nawaz Sharif allowed to return from exile.

-Musharraf hands over command of the Armed Forces to General Ashfaq Kayani.

-Bhutto says she may boycott the January 8 election.

-December 15- Musharraf ends the state of emergency, restores constitution.

2007- Assassination of Benazir Bhutto

-December 27- Bhutto is shot to death as suicide bombers hit her retinue after a rally in Rawalpindi.

2008- January -Musharraf postpones January 8 elections to February 18 due to instability.

-20 police killed at an anti-Musharraf rally outside the High Court in Lahore.

-the army kills 90 tribal militants in South Waziristan.

Victory of the PPP and the PML-N in Parliamentary Elections.

2008- Opposition Parties Gain Seats.

-Feb 18- the PPP and the PML-N sweep parliamentary elections, reducing Musharraf's PML Q.

The PPP's Asif Zardari Bhutto and the PML-N's Nawaz Sharif consider a coalition to oust Musharraf.

March- Yusuf Raza Gilani of the PPP becomes Prime Minister.

August- The PPP and the PML-N agree to launch impeachment proceedings against General Musharraf.

2008- Musharraf Resigns

Musharraf resigns. Senate speaker Muhammed Sumroo takes on the role of acting president.

Asif Ali Zardari, Bhutto's widower declares himself a candidate for presidental elections on September 6.

PML-N leader Nawaz Sharif withdraws his party from the governing coalition on grounds that the PPP has broken its promise to help reinstate the supreme coourt judges fired by Musharraf.

2008- Zardari Elected President.

September, 2008- Asif Zardari is elected President.

-Islamabad's Mariott Hotel is bombed leaving 50 dead. An islamist group claims responsibility.

November- President Zardari protests US missile strikes inside Pakistan.

November- Pakistani Commandos of Lashkar-e-Taiba attack Mumbai, killing over 200, targeting foreign tourists, Jews anmd non-Muslims.  

-Pakistan borrows billions from the IMF to deal with its debt crisis.

December, 2008- India traces the Mumbai teror attacks in which dozens were killed, to Pakistan. Pakistan denies inolvement but promises to cooperate in the investigation. The Pakistani terror group, Lashkar-e-Toiba is strongly suspected.

2009- The Contest for the Swat Valley.

2009- February- Pakistan government agrees to allow Sharia Law in the Swat Valley in return for a ceasefire with Taliban.

March- in Lahore, a bus carrying the Sri Lanka cricket team is attacked by Islamist militants. 5 police are killed, 7 players injured.

-government agrees to reinstate Supreme Court Justice Choudhry and other judges dismissed by Musharraf in the faces of mass protests.

-40 are killed as gunman attack the Lahore police academy.

April- the Taliban breaks the Swat Vallley ceasefire agreement with Islamabad by taking more territory. The Government launches a massive operation to roust the Taliban from Swat and other North West territories.

July- 2009- primer ministers of India and Pakistan meet in Cairo, forging an agreement to fight terrorism without regard to other differences between the two countries.

July- 8 Christians burned alive in Punjab town of Gojra. 17 Islamist militants arrested in the crime are later released without trial.

-Nawaz Sharif acquitted by Supreme Court of hijacking charges, freeing him to run for office.

-Government troops clear the Swat Valley of the Taliban.

August 2009- Islamabad alets international security bodies in an attempt to track down 13 suspects in the Mjumbai massacre.

-President Zardari orders the suspension of judges appointed under Musharraf's emergency rule to replace the Supreme Court judges Musharraff had previously fired.

2009- New Leadership for the Pakistani Taliban.

-Baitullah Mahsud, head of the Pakistani Taliban is killed in a US drone missle attack.

October- the new Taliban leader, Hakimullah Mehsud, deeply connected to clans in his native Waziristan swears revenge for the death of Baitullah.

2009- Pakistan invades South Waziristan.

-over 170 are killed in Islamist terror attacks across Pakistan.

-the US congress passes a law by which US aid is reidrected from the military to the civilian government, with finds earmarked for the army entirely dependent on the army severing all ties to the militants.

-in response to the wave of terror, the Pakistan army launches a 30,000 strong invasion of Hakimullah's stronghold, Southy Waziritstam.

Oct. 26- nearly 100 killed by car bomb in Peshawar market as US Secretary of State arrives in Pakistan.:

-120 killed in suicide bombing in Peshawar.

November- President Zardari gives authority over Pakistan's nucelar weapony tp Prime Minister Gilani to stop political pressure.

December 2009-  43 Shia massacred by Sunni radicals in Karachi.

2010 Jan-June- Baluch separatist militants kill 252 non-Baluch settlers in Balluchistan in the first 6 months of 2010.

April- Zardari submits to parliament a package of constitutional reforms intended to reduce the power of the presidency. The amendment is passed, eleminating previous amendments made by dictators of the past, bringing in judicial reform and granting considerable autonomy to Pakistan's provinces.

2010- New York Bomb Plot Traced to Pakistan.

- Washington arrests Pakistani national Faisal Shazad in an attempted car bombing in Times Square, New York City. The plot is then traced to Tehrik-e-Taliban, (TTP) a Pakistani Taliban outfit.

-May 4- Hakimullah Mehsud of the TTP claims responsibility and threatens further attacks against more US cities.

May 28- Lahore: 9 militants attack two mopsques killing 90 minority Muslim Ahmadis.

June- militants attack a court house in Karachi freeing prisoners arrested in the December 2009 attack on Shia in the city.

2010- Massive Flooding racks Pakistan.

-August-September- devastating floods in most of the country. Presient Zardari criticised for not flying home in the midst of a European tour, hence failing to take charge in the crisis. The Pakistani army and government are slow to mobilizie, leaving space for Islamist militants like the Pakistani Taliban and Lashkar-e-taiba to deliver aid, strengthening their presence among the population and discrediting the govenrment.

Sept- 1- Pakistani Taliban suicide bombing kills over 30 in Lahore.

Sept 2-3- Insurgent bombings in the Northwest Frontier insurgent strongold and else where in Pakistan appear to be an effort to use the flood to further destabilize the country and a weak central government.

Sept 3- suicide bombing of a Shia relgious procession by rhe Pakistani Taliban in Quetta, Baluchistan, kills 46.

2010- Pakistan Protests American use of Drones.

Sept- after US drone strikes endanger cilvians in the the Northwest, Pakistan suspends NATO supply route.

Oct.- former Pakistan president Pervez Musharraf launches political party from exile in Britian, apologizing for "negative actions while in power."

-political killings and bombings increase in Karachi.

Dec- tribal elders gathering at Mohmand near the Afghan border suffer fifty killed in double suicide bombing.

2011 January - A campaign to reform Pakistan's blasphemy law leads to the killing of two prominent supporters, Punjab Governor Salman Taseer in January, and Minorities Minister Shahbaz Bhatti in March.

2011 March - The prime ministers of India and Pakistan meet to watch a cricket match, an occasion seen as an chance for the two nations to repair relations.

Osama Bin Laden killed in US Raid.

2011 April - The founder of Al-Qaeda, Osama bin Laden, is killed by American special forces in Abbottabad.

Pakistan Blocks NATO supply routes,

2011 November - Pakistan shuts down Nato supply routes after a Nato attack on military outposts kills 25 Pakistani soldiers.

2011 December - Pakistan boycotts the Bonn Conference on Afghanistan in protest at the Nato attack on a border checkpoint.

President Zardari undergoes treatment in Dubai for a heart condition. The government comes under pressure over a leaked memo alleging that senior officials sought US aid against a military coup after the killing of Osama bin Ladin in April.

US troops leave the Shamsi air base in Balochistan in the wake of the November border attack, and Pakistan blocks US convoys entering Afghanistan.

Leaked Memo Exposes deep divide in Government over alliance with US

2012 January - Amid growing tension between government and military over "memogate" scandal, army chief Gen Pervez Kayani warns of "unpredictable consequences" after PM Yousuf Raza Gilani criticises army leaders and sacks top defence official.

Supreme Court threatens to prosecute Prime Minister Gilani for contempt of court over government's refusal to reopen corruption cases against President Asif Ali Zardari and other political figures.

2012 May - A US Senate panel cuts $33m in aid to Pakistan over the jailing of Pakistani doctor Shakil Afridi who helped the CIA find Osama Bin Laden. Dr Afridi was tried for treason under a tribal justice system for running a fake vaccination programme to gather information for US intelligence.

 Supreme Court Sacks Prime Minister Gilani.

2012 June - Supreme Court disqualifies Prime Minister Gilani from holding office after he declines to appeal against a token sentence in President Zardari corruption row. Parliament approves Water and Power Minister Raja Pervez Ashraf as his successor.

2012 July - Pakistan agrees to reopen Nato supply routes to Afghanistan after the US apologises for killing 24 Pakistani soldiers in November

Christian girl escapes Persecution for Blasphemy because of Planted Evidence.

2012 September - Muslim cleric Khalid Chishti is arrested on suspicion of planting pages of the Koran among burnt paper in the bag of a Christian girl, who was briefly detained for blasphemy after an angry mob demanded her punishment. This prompted the flight of Christians from an Islamabad slum and widespread condemnation of the blasphemy law at home and abroad. A court dropped the case against the Christian girl in November.

2012 October - Cricketer-turned-politician Imran Khan holds a major rally against US drone attacks in the town of Tank after security forces stop his thousands-strong motorcade from entering the Tribal Areas on the Afghan border.

 Taliban shoot girl, Mahala Yousafzai for Attending School.

Taliban gunmen seriously injure 14-year-old campaigner for girls' rights Malala Yousafzai. Miss Yousafzai first incurred the Taliban's displeasure when she wrote a diary for BBC Urdu in 2009 after the group closed girls' schools in Swat valley. They said she had been targeted because she "promoted secularism".

 Taliban Launches Bombing Campaign against Shia.

2012 November - Taliban suicide bomber kills at least 23 people at a Shia Muslim procession in the Rawalpindi. Blasts outside a Shia mosque in Karachi kill at least two people, and a bomb in Quetta leaves five dead, as Shias mark their holy month of Muharram.

2013 January - Supreme Court orders the arrest of Prime Minister Raja Pervez Ashraf over corruption allegations dating back to his time as water and power minister in 2010. He denies wrongdoing.

The government sacks Balochistan chief minister over bomb blasts in the provincial capital Quetta that killed at least 92 Shia Muslims. Sunni extremist group Lashkar-e-Jhangvi claimed responsibility.
Populist cleric and anti-corruption campaigner Tahirul Qadri, leads a nationwide march on Islamabad, demanding the resignation of the government.

After four days of protests in the capital, the government agrees to dissolve parliament early and to consult Mr Qadri over the formation of a caretaker government ahead of elections.

2013 February - President Zardari and Afghanistan's President Karzai agree to work for an Afghan peace deal within six months after talks hosted by Britain's Prime Minister David Cameron.
Bomb attack targeting Shia Muslims in Quetta kills 89 people. Police detain Lashkar-e-Jhangvi militant group founder Malik Ishaq after the group claimed responsibility for the Quetta attack.